Wednesday, January 03, 2007

New Day's Resolutions

I got 5 hours of sleep last night, which is better than most nights this week.

Baby E has slept through the night two nights in a row, from about 11 p.m. or midnight until 7 or 8. Hooray!

It's almost eerie . . . one night I told her "It's not time for milk, it's time for sleep. You can have milk in the morning" and the next two nights she didn't wake up until morning.

Of course, I also fed her a second dinner at 8 PM the last few nights. She eats like a billy goat these days--huge quantities of anything and everything she can get hold of.

As Genevive commented under a previous post, this is highly encouraging and a huge accomplishment. She's no longer afraid of food, and is willing to pretty much try everything. Even better, she likes almost everything she tries.

All three kids ate so much spaghetti squash and sausage casserole last night that I thought they'd explode. It is gratifying to have all that hard work in the kitchen developing hypoallergenic recipes and cooking them appreciated.

DH is still sick in bed. I'm still managing, though a number of things are sliding badly.


At the moment I'm eating hypoallergenic cereal that tastes like cardboard, dry. We're out of rice milk. But, hey, at least the cereal was something I didn't have to cook from scratch.

We're also out of many other essentials, including carrots and rice. DH often does the grocery shopping or watches the kids so I can do it.

The silverware drawer is empty, and the diapers have been cycling through various stages in the washing machine for two days. Last night I went to bed leaving the dishes undone, with Baby E's high chair tray being the only clean thing in the kitchen.

It was the first time in a while that I've gone to bed without completing at least one load each of dishes and laundry after dinner, but it was 2 a.m. and I was so tired I wasn't really making progress anyway. When I'm that tired I can be working hard but spinning my wheels and moving so slowly it's not even worth staying up and attempting to accomplish things.

My goals for today:

Take a shower (for the first time in several days) and get myself and the kids dressed and ready to go. I think I'll try having the kids watch a video in the playroom while I take a quick shower in the bathroom just across the hall. If I set up the baby monitor in there I can hear what's going on.

Order some allergen-free shampoo I finally found online. The Kiss My Face Olive Oil bar soap works fine on hands, but not so well on hair.

Catch up on the dishes.

Clean the kitchen (especially wiping down flat surfaces).

Vacuum the downstairs floors. This has become urgent since Baby E decided to scatter puffed millet over the area.

Do laundry (finish cycling the diapers, wash/dry/fold/put away at least one other load of laundry)

Win the battle with M&M over the too-small Sunday dress she is wearing at the moment, but is tearfully refusing to change into more appropriate attire. I'm not sure if it's worth the battle to make her take it off, or if I'll settle for making her wear pants under it.

[Update: I gave her a choice between the two options. She changed her dress. The new dress was also too short, so I had her change into one of AJ's dresses. Time to go up a size for both kids, I guess.]

Make a grocery list and clean out the refrigerator.

Take the kids and go shopping for various essentials we need. Since no one store carries all our essentials, that will mean going to at least 3 different stores, maybe more.

Buy a dust mite cover for the guest bed mattress, change and wash all the bedding on that bed, and remake it.

Make several phone calls regarding making appointments and following up on prescriptions, etc. for Baby E.

Have leftover squash casserole for lunch.

Bake a breadish thing like muffins or quick bread, or maybe a sugarless pumpkin pie (I made one sweetened with brown rice syrup earlier this week, and the kids loved it).

Cook dinner in the crock pot so I can take a nap when the kids do.

Read to the kids and find activities for them to do.

Work on getting ready to start homeschooling again on Monday.

And, if I have time and energy left I'll try to respond to a few e-mails and blog comments.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is a full day's work you've got lined up.

Can any of the groceries you need be ordered online and delivered?

Hooray for Baby E eating and sleeping better (I seriously think the two often go together). And hooray for yummy hypo-allergenic foods the whole family likes!

11:21 AM  
Blogger parodie said...

Here's hoping DH gets better soon so you have less juggling to do.

A thought about washing products: have you considered LUSH brand stuff? ( I don't know about their ingredients but they are very friendly and open about ingredients and I am sure they would be happy to help you track down appropriate things if they carry them (also, their soaps and such are AMAZING, though that is of course personal preference).

Hope the day went as planned!

12:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's hear it for Baby E sleeping all night, for the kids' appreciating the food you worked so hard to make, and for you finding hypo-allergenic shampoo!

I hope your DH gets better very soon.

12:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That list is for just one day?? I had to scroll back up and double-check whether it was for 2007 or just January 3rd.

I hope you were able to make a dent in it!

7:50 PM  
Blogger Sparrow said...

Wow, good thing you only gave yourself a couple of things to accomplish. ;-)

12:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you tried using baking soda for your hair. It works very well .

7:07 PM  
Blogger purple_kangaroo said...

Liz, thanks. I would like to find a place that could deliver, but we shop at 4 different places that are mostly little specialty stores where you're lucky to get a grocery cart, much less online ordering.

Parodie, I'll have to check out lush's ingredients. Thanks.

Genevieve, A. Borealis, and Amy, thanks. And chuckling.:)

Anonymous, yes thank you I have tried baking soda and baking soda/vinegar or lemon juice combinations on my hair. The baking soda makes it frizzy and the soap leaves heavy residue. The combination of all three doesn't work that great on my hair either, but I've tried it. :)

11:17 PM  

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