Monday, January 01, 2007

New Year's Day 2007

I'm working on revising and expanding my post on issues with allergy diagnosis. Mostly I'm going to just break it into a series of posts and make the original post a summary and index with links to each section.

Since I submitted the post to Grand Rounds, I'm hoping to get that done by tomorrow. Much of the work is already done; it's just a matter of breaking it up and reposting it. So don't be surprised if you see information that's already been covered being reposted.

After getting 3 or 4 hours of sleep last night and a one-hour nap this afternoon, I'm pretty tired tonight. DH is starting to feel better, so he's keeping an eye on Baby E for a while. That's so helpful.


I've been consistently getting the older girls to bed on time this week, and that seems to be helping their moods considerably.

Last night I decided it was time to attempt night-weaning for Baby E. She wakes up once or twice in the night, and often her longest stretch of sleep is only 3 to 5 hours from her last nursing session.

So last night I offered her thickened water and told her that it was not time for milk, it was time for sleep. She relaxed in my arms, but woke up and cried, begging for milk, when I laid her down. She calmed down when I stayed in the room with her, though, and finally fell asleep with her head pillowed on my hand in her crib about an hour later. Then she slept until about 8:30.

That seemed to work well. I'm hoping that once her body gets used to not having milk in the night, she'll stop waking up.