Monday, January 01, 2007


Happy New Year, everyone. We had a quiet evening here.

Sometime after midnight I finally got Baby E to sleep. DH has gone to bed and I'm sitting by the fire taking a break and trying to get my feet warm. The neighbors are still setting off fireworks.

DH has the flu, complete with fever, chills and body aches. He stayed in bed all day today, and didn't make it downstairs until I was putting the kids to bed tonight.

The kids and I kept him well-supplied with food, orange juice, water and medicinal teas. It was really touching seeing how the older two girls put so much thought and effort into helping take care of Daddy. They are such sweet kids.

I really hope he'll be better soon and that none of the rest of us will come down with it.

Yesterday I tried eating pineapple once again. I had noticed it bothered me the last several times I ate it, but was hoping to attribute the symptoms to some other cause. It was worse this time. I was up most of the night, sick with gastrointestinal symptoms.


That's how the coconut allergy started, so this isn't really something I want to mess with.

Pineapple is a type of palm, and like coconut and avocado it is commonly cross-reactive with latex allergy. I really hope it's just some kind of intolerance this time and not a true allergy, but either way I won't be trying it again any time soon.

Between that and Baby E, I got about 3 hours of sleep last night. On top of 4 hours of sleep the night before and not much more than that all week, I'm amazed I have been able to be so functional without feeling too draggy or grouchy. I think the Lord must be giving me an extra measure of grace at the moment.

Normally I am able to get some extra sleep on Saturdays, but yesterday DH was so tired that I let him sleep for most of the day (he did get up with the kids and let me sleep for an extra hour or two in the morning), and then he took the older two girls with him to visit his dad and help talk his mom into going home to get some rest while I stayed here with a very fussy Baby E.

I'm thankful that I've been able to manage so well for the last couple of weeks with DH gone most of the time and now incapacitated. Today I took care of the kids and DH, read to and interacted with the girls, prepared meals, did some minimal household chores, and generally kept things together fairly well. I'm tired and not feeling the greatest, but I'm doing all right.

Now it's after 1 a.m. I still need to do the dishes and clean up the kitchen, then start a load of diapers washing before I can go to bed. Last night I slept on the couch to try to avoid catching whatever DH has, which meant that I slept only fitfully even when I did sleep.

We do have a guest bed, but we don't have a dust mite cover for that mattress. I'm trying to decide which is worse--sleeping poorly on the couch or waking up sick and tired from the allergies. The couch has dust mites too, I'm sure, but they don't seem to be as bad.

Maybe I should just risk DH's germs. It's not like I'm not getting exposed to them anyway, being in the same house and going in the bedroom to check on him and bring him whatever he needs.

It seems ironic to me that I'm worrying about which option would be the lesser of three evils when many people in the world don't have either a couch or a bed to sleep on, and here I am feeling less-than-positive about several very comfortable options in a warm, dry house. How ridiculous.

Hopefully Baby E will sleep well tonight. DH has New Year's Day off, so that will give him more time to rest and recover before he has to go back to work.

I'm trying not to think about when or if I might get a chance to rest. For now, it's enough just to be managing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy New Years Purple!
I hope everyone is feeling better and you get some good SLEEP soon....

2:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pineapple is very high in sugar and could be causing a reaction due to candida, depending on exactly what your reactions were and how quickly they started. You may want to check with your doctor on restricting all fruits except for berries, green apples, lemons and grapefruits, and some people with mold sensitivities even avoid the berries. If you are suffering from leaky gut, which it sounds like you are, and you go on a restricted diet long enough to let your gut heal you will be able to slowly increase the amount of foods you eat without experiencing reactions. Perhaps it's time to ask for some kind of expanded testing? The GI and saliva panels from Diagnos Tech and Great Smokies are much more extensive and reliable than panels run with traditional allergists.
Chronic cold hands and feet (worse in the evening) are also candida signs from overtaxed adrenals.
Hope your hubby feels better soon. Happy 2007!

6:42 AM  
Blogger purple_kangaroo said...

Thanks, My4Kids.

Tara, we are following a diet right now that's basically the protocol in "Feast without Yeast", and we're somewhere between stages II and III currently.

11:20 PM  

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