Saturday, February 17, 2007


I'm finally starting to feel quite a bit better. Had my first (small) meal of solid food tonight. I'm still very tired and have very little energy, but at least my intestinal system is finally settling down.

DH stayed home this morning and then took AJ and M&M to work with him. When Baby E went down for a nap I slept too.

I'm feeling rather disjointed and muddled still, and I just realized it's after 3 a.m.

I've completely lost track of time with the erratic waking/sleeping hours that go with being sick. Not that I have a very good sense of time, anyway. DH is always amused that I can be so surprised when I happen to look at the clock and realize what time it is. He knows almost to the minute what time it is at any given moment.

I guess I'd better go to bed.

But first, a tidbit about each of the kids:

AJ's artistic talents are really blossoming. She made some really amazing paper dolls and outfits this week, completely freehand. I'll post pictures soon. She is growing up so fast. It's hard to believe she'll be 6 next week. She's so capable, confident and eager to accomplish and learn things.

Tonight AJ drew up a map of our house with arrows indicating all the exits. She figured out a fire emergency plan for the family all on her own after watching a video about fire fighters. With her prodding we chose a meeting place in the yard in case of fire, and decided which neighbor would be the emergency contact. AJ also informed us that sometime this weekend we need to test all the smoke alarms ("you push a little button until it beeps really loud") and practice getting out of the house in a fire.

M&M is going through a stage where she loves to "help". She and AJ were both so excited tonight that they got to help DH make dinner.

M&M is really enjoying reading to and playing with Baby E. As E gets older, all three girls find more things to do together. It's nice that they play so well together most of the time. Tonight M&M and Baby E were tumbling on the floor tickling each other, stopping to give hugs and kisses every now and then. Very cute.

Baby E has learned how to say itch--"itz". She's also starting to pick up on fingerspelling and try to match the signs with letter names and sounds. Tonight she made an L with her hand and made the T sound. So I went through all the letters and their sounds with her and then she made a D and said d.

When I put her to bed, I signed and said "I love you" to her. She held up her little hand, trying to form the sign, and said, "yuh you." Then she gave me a hug.

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Blogger Liz Miller said...

So glad you're feeling better.

Your children are so scrumptious, how can you stand not to just gobble them up?

2:32 PM  

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