Saturday, February 10, 2007

Outings and a virus

We went to a birthday party for a little friend today. We let Baby E play with the other kids until the food was brought out, then DH left with E while I stayed with AJ and M&M for the rest of the party. That worked well. The compromise allowed everyone to participate in the party with minimal risk of causing a reaction for Baby E.

She was a bit fussy tonight, and her reflux seems worse now that she's back off the medicine. Other than some gassiness, hiccups, etc. we're not seeing much effect from reintroducing sugar to her diet so far. Certainly not allergy-type reactions that I can tell.

If she is sucrose-intolerant, it seems to be a fairly mild case--or something that takes several days' worth of exposure to build up. Maybe the symptoms we were seeing were just from the omeprazole, or from something else. I don't know.

After dinner tonight, AJ and I took our outing that had been postponed from yesterday. We bought supplies for her upcoming butterfly-themed birthday party and windowshopped for jewelry. It's really fun to have a little girl who is actually getting old enough to enjoy things like looking at (but not buying) jewelry.

By the time AJ and I got home, DH was feeling sick. Soon it became clear that he has a wicked stomach virus.

At the moment he's sleeping on the couch downstairs for better proximity to the bathroom and the warmth of the gas fireplace. The poor guy is absolutely miserable.

Please keep him, and also the health of the rest of the family, in your thoughts and prayers.

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Blogger Unknown said...

I'm sorry to read that you've been having suh a rough few weeks with both adult and child health.

Regards - Shinga

4:16 AM  
Blogger Karen said...

Poor DH...didn't he just get over being sick??? Poor guy. Healthy thoughts to all your family!

10:54 AM  
Blogger purple_kangaroo said...

Thanks, Shinga.

Kai: Yes, we all just got over being sick. We've been sick more often than not this winter, it seems.

11:28 AM  
Blogger Liz Miller said...

Thinking of DH and always thinking of you and Baby E. I hope that no one else in your family comes down with it!

1:45 PM  
Blogger ccw said...

Thinking of the entire family. I hope everyone is feeling better and stays better soon.

5:24 AM  
Blogger David Edward said...

praying while I work ( it's much better than whistling)

9:37 AM  
Blogger purple_kangaroo said...

Thank you Liz, CCW and David. DH is much better and noody else seems to be coming down with it yet. Let's hope it stays that way!

12:03 AM  

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