December Photos

I finally figured out how extremely easy it is to upload photos from my new camera to the computer. I still have to figure out how to get the best pictures from it . . . many of them came out very dark. But I love the camera.
Here are a few of my favorite photos from December.
Baby E (in the dress) and her adored cousin Baby G, who is 4 months younger:

M&M helping AJ put on one of her Christmas presents (a flashing Disney Princess pin):

Part of the crowd at our house for the family Christmas party:

AJ and M&M with their gifts from the white elephant exchange:

Baby E with cousin Baby G again. Baby E treats G like a living, breathing doll. Thankfully, G doesn't seem to mind too much.

Labels: snap happy
They are beautiful.
Cute! I love Baby E's chubby little legs. They are just so adorable (and squeezable).
By the way, I made your Meaty Spaghetti Sausage today - it was good! I liked the subtle sweetness. Thanks for the tip...
Doh - I meant to say Meaty Spaghetti SQUASH...not sausage.
Baby E in her hat is sweeter than, err, stevia =)
Very sweet.
Regards - Shinga
So sweet! Thanks for sharing.
Awww, great pics!
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