Sunday, February 18, 2007

Our new best friend

While I slept away most of the afternoon, still recovering from the intestinal virus, DH took the kids shopping.

When they got home he said, "I bought strawberries, washed them and gave some to Baby E. She can have strawberries, right?"

"Oh, no," I groaned. "She's not allergic to strawberries, but they're some of the worst offenders when it comes to being treated with corn derivatives. They're almost always treated with citric acid. They're so porous you can't wash it off--it soaks in too deeply. And you can't peel them."

"Oh, rats. I'm sorry. I thought she could have strawberries."

"She can, in moderation--if we get them straight from the field and they haven't been treated with anything."

"Oh, no. I feel so bad."

"I've accidentally corned her plenty of times myself. We'll just have to keep a close eye on her."

"Look at her now. There go her cheeks getting red."

Sure enough, before long E had a bright red spotty rash on her cheeks. Then her face started swelling. She was fidgeting and crying, rubbing at her eyes as the skin around them puffed up and scratching at her reddened ears.


So we gave her a dose of the diphenhydramine (compounded Benadryl).

Within 5 or 10 minutes the rash and swelling were gone. Her cheeks were suddenly clear. Her face looked better than it had in weeks.

She was still fussy and uncomfortable, but not nearly to the extreme she had been. The medicine definitely cut short and minimized the allergic reaction. She didn't even seem to have any significant side effects.

With the facial swelling and as miserable as she was, this was shaping up to be one of the worst allergic reactions she'd had recently. Even if it hadn't become dangerous, the misery and discomfort would have probably lasted all night--possibly longer. Even when her only symptom is a slight rash on her cheeks it normally takes hours to fade.

Antihistamine medicine is a most excellent discovery. I'm so thrilled to have it. I feel like writing effusive thank-you-notes to the person who isolated the drug, the manufacturer, the doctor who prescribed it, and the compounding pharmacist.

Knowing that the antihistamine works so well for Baby E gives me so much more peace of mind about the inevitable accidental exposures to her allergens.

As DH and I were saying to each other, "Wow! That was amazing. It looks like Benadryl is our new best friend. We're not going anywhere without this stuff."



Blogger Liz Miller said...

Hooray! That is great news. What a relief it must be.

12:07 PM  
Blogger Jenny F. Scientist said...

Woo hoo!

1:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, yeah! We took Sephie, then 14 months old, to Italy this past October, and her pediatrician gave us some Benadryl to help get her to sleep on the plane. It relaxed her just enough to let her be her normal social butterfly self and enjoy the trip. Believe it or not, on the 20-hr trip home to California (door to door, Rome to San Diego), she cried/fussed about 15 minutes. That's it. I told everyone to "Praise the Lord, and pass the Benadryl!"

So glad Baby E got to recover so fast! And I will try and take your example the next time my DH does something clueless with my daughter and try and be gentle and understanding like you were. (If it doesn't work, can I come crying to you?? Or should I just take some Benadryl? ;)

9:28 PM  
Blogger Bridget said...

"i accidently corned her" i don't know why that struck me as so funny. I'm so glad something you gave to E made her feel better! Is that a first or what? :)

6:00 AM  
Blogger ccw said...

Poor DH!

So glad the new medicine is working.

9:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's wonderful news, that the compounded Benadryl is working well.

And corned as a verb . . . fabulous.

12:30 PM  

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