What we're up to
Here are a few photos of the girls doing schoolwork.

Baby E is enjoying some age-appropriate activities while the older girls are doing school. Here she is spooning dry (uncooked) rice into various containers.

On Tuesday I let the girls ride tricycles in the driveway for P.E. Our neighbor Tulip Lady and her 2-year-old daughter, who Baby E calls "Anah," came over to play.

We all had fun, and Baby E especially had a good time. It was the first time she actually cried when saying goodbye to a friend. She kept crying and asking for "An-nah" for a long time after they were gone.

She's really catching on to people's names. Morning came over today to help with some housework, and Baby E kept calling her "En!"
Labels: learning, muddling motherhood
So glad to hear you sounding happy and back to doing what you want to get done.
The pictures are so cute! And Baby E seems to really be enjoying playing with that rice, to cute.
I was beginning to worry a bit;) Call me today if you can.
The girls are lovely!
I cannot get over Baby E's hair; there is so much!
I love reading your blog, It touches my heart to see Baby E doing so well. You are an inspiration to me. After reading your blog about how people react to baby E’s server allergies gave so much insight. My sister has a child with Williams Syndrome, and reading your blog and given me new sensitivity towards her and how my words, even unintentionally, may have been received by her. Baby E, and all of your children, are so blessed to have a Mother that is so in tune to their needs. I am learning from you.
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