My Pet Toe
[photo below fold, to give people a chance to not see it if they so choose . . . ]

Or a slightly closer view . . .

It kinda hurts.
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Labels: just life
I would choose see a doctor ASAP, and enter the photo in a contest.
Your poor toe. What the heck happened?
Liz, it just gets like that every now and then. It's sort of like an ingrown toenail thing, but not actually an ingrown toenail.
I have had occasional ingrown toenails, and when I messed with them I think the skin at the sides of my toenails got damaged sort of permanently. So now whenever I wear shoes too much or something like that (I don't know exactly what triggers it) I get pockets of infection at the sides of my toenails.
This is worse than usual, though. I keep squeezing the pus out and putting hydrogen peroxide on it, but the purplish-red streak moving down my toe worries me a bit. Especially since basically all antibiotics are grown on corn, and I'm allergic to most antibiotics (like giant hives allergic) anyway.
I'm going to try soaking it in hot salt water tonight.
I get the same thing! Go barefoot for a couple of days, and keep on soaking in those Epsom salts.
Poor footie. Isn't it amazing how much one toe can hurt??
DebbieS, yes it is amazing how much it can hurt. Especially when it gets stepped on . . . AJ did the honors today, and I think I about broke the poor thing's eardrum with my sudden and prolonged howling of "ow, ow, ow!"
PK Please go see a doctor, your statement about the continued streak moving up your leg sounds like cellulitis, the percurser to blood poisoning. My mother had this in her thumb a year ago and narrowly missed an extended stay in the hospital and it still took several months to return to normal. She had to see a spcialist. I know you're allergic to antibiotics, but you need to do something. It could be deadly.
A in PA
There is an anti-biotic soap called Betadine you might try if it doesn't hit any of your allergies.
A Tea Tree oil soak or some diluted tea tree applied directly to the toe (or both; just never use full strength) may also help. Tea tree has amazing healing properties.
Good luck with that.
I would keep draining, soaking, and cleaning but I do think you should let a doctor take a look.
I had a sore on my toe like that a few years back. Scared the heck out of me when it popped while I was trimming the toe nail!
I was in a hotel on a business trip. The only thing I could think to do was soak it in really hot water, and that seemed to help. I had to stop wearing my favorite boots after that.
But if you have red streaks coming out of it, I agree with the rest of the comments that you probably do need to see a doctor. Good luck finding a non-allergenic was to clear it up.
I agree. Go see your doctor or a podiatrist. Until then, use a permanent marker to lightly outline the edge of the infected red area. That way, you can easily see if the infection is getting any worse if it goes past that line. My first thought when reading your description was cellulitis, also. (the marker thing is what the doctor did after my grandma started treatment for her cellulitis...they could then see the infection retreating) --Kathy J.
I agree with what other folks say re: doctor, and also I'd suggest shoes with lots of space for your toes.
Or sandals.
Poor Kanga, I hope it gets better fast.
I'm too scared even to look.
But, based on your description and what everyone else has said, it sounds like it must really hurt.
And (echoing everyone else's advice) probably it would be a very good idea to see a doctor.
Thanks to everyone for your comments about my "pet toe". Everyone's advice was interesting and helpful.
I've been keeping a very close eye on it, and the red area has not extended beyond the knuckle of the toe. My deal with myself was that if the redness extended beyond that point (about where it was when I took the photos) I would see a doctor. The redness has receded somewhat, and I think the swelling is going down and the pain is lessening.
I've been going barefoot or wearing sandals when I can, and otherwise wearing breathable tennis shoes with some extra toe room.
A nice long soak last night in salt water with tea tree oil seemed to help.
It is starting to itch and the dead skin is peeling a bit, so I think that's a sign that it's healing.
It looks like paronychia (para-neek-ee-ah) to me. My son got this once. Just an infection of the nail skin fold. There's some info here:
I don't remember the treatment taking as long as this site presents. Actually, I hardly remember it at all, so it couldn't have been a big deal. I only remember it because our family physician was a new doc and new to the practice and was thrilled to get to see one. Hope you are rid of it soon. Take care.
Your KfP Pal
Thanks for the info, KfP Pal. It seems to be something along that line, but it's definitely getting better now.
This one will sound crazy but a raw onion tht is cut with the cut part upon the infected sore or bug bite etc. will draw the infection out. A small piece would be able to be put under a bandaid or something wraped around your foot for a while holding the onion in place.
This does work. :-)
But I would agree tht if you have a red streak that is moving up to head to the doctor.
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