Sunday, June 03, 2007

Seaside Posting

I'm sitting here watching the rolling surf turn tawny-colored as I type. There's nothing quite like watching the sun set over the sea.

Yes, we're at the coast. It's been a wonderfully relaxing, fabulous weekend. We can see and hear the ocean from our room, and it's just a few steps down to the sandy beach.


We've been playing and playing in the sand, waves and pool here. There's nothing we have to do and nowhere we have to go. We're just relaxing. We have a house/pet/garden sitter taking care of things at home. This is the most carefree and relaxed I've felt in a long time.

We have a kitchenette in the room, so it's been easy to just cook our own meals. There's an organic and natural foods store in a nearby town. Mom and I went to check it out last night, and we found quite a few foods that are safe for Baby E. We even found water buffalo yogurt, which I tried today and seemed to be able to tolerate just fine.

My parents were here with us yesterday and this morning. It was so wonderful to just hang out with them. Baby E has been asking for "Bapaw" and "Mamaw" often since they left. DH and Grandpa jumped waves and played in the sand with the girls. Baby E and I ran in circles around Grandma, running in and out of the surf.

Baby E kept running from Bapaw to Mamaw and back, running joyfully with her arms open wide for a full-speed hug. AJ loves the water, no matter how cold it is. She and Grandpa were the last to leave the beach, lingering after everyone else had gotten cold and come in. M&M laughed and joked, chuckling at her shorts getting so waterlogged they kept trying to fall off.

This evening, AJ finally mastered tying her shoes all by herself. What an exciting accomplishment for a 6-year-old. We celebrated with a piece of Kosher for Passover candy after dinner--a special treat I'd been saving for a special occasion.

As the girls laughed and joked around at dinner, I noticed that Baby E was hanging way over the arm of her chair to touch M&M.

I said, "E, be careful. Don't fall." She said, "I know, Mommy."

When did she become such a big girl?

There's a small kitchen in the room. Cooking hasn't been bad at all. I'm actually finding it more peaceful and relaxing to cook than having to decide on a restaurant and drive out to find it for every meal. So far everything I've cooked has been pretty uncomplicated.

Yesterday I baked sourdough cookies. I've been working on developing a gelatin-free version sweetened with honey, and will probably post that soon. For dinner I made a simple meat sauce with ground beef, water and spices, which we ate over boiled diced potatoes with a lettuce salad. Tonight we had our favorite Meaty Spaghetti Squash for lunch and leftovers for dinner. Sometime tomorrow we'll make strawberry shortcake with fresh organic strawberries and whole wheat sourdough. Tonight or tomorrow I'll cook up a batch of cauliflower soup.

It's so nice to have an arsenal of recipes now that are simple and delicious, and fit our dietary restrictions.

Right now DH is sitting with the kids as they fall asleep, giving me a few minutes to use the computer. Tomorrow we have nothing planned, but at some point I'm sure we'll play on the beach.

Sometimes I wish I could freeze time.

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Blogger Loztnausten said...

Your vacation sounds lovely! We're contemplating traveling up coast in a similar fashion after peak season this summer. Freeze time indeed. :)

Please keep us posted on how the water buffalo yogurt goes over. I queried the manufacturer and there is 0.01% corn in the starter. But if other corn-sensitive folk are tolerating it, then that gives me hope, 'cause dairy and corn are on our challenge list for this year.

Go soak up some Vitamin D and enjoy those waves! :)

5:56 AM  
Blogger purple_kangaroo said...

loztnausten, the yogurt was not a success. I was awake most of the night feeling ill. :(

9:05 PM  
Blogger Loztnausten said...

I'm so sorry to hear that. :( It really is a struggle sometimes, isn't it? Hope you got some better rest today. Hugs!

2:11 PM  
Blogger Liz Miller said...

I'm glad you're having a good time. Sorry 'bout the yogurt.

6:30 PM  
Blogger purple_kangaroo said...

Thanks, loztnausten and Liz

5:06 PM  

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