Saturday, August 11, 2007

Floor Play

As I told DH yesterday, "Wow, I haven't been this sick in a long time."

Having the flu and then a sinus infection really has knocked me flat. I've spent most of the time sleeping or sitting around like a zombie drinking lots of water.

DH has singlehandedly been taking care of the kids, laundry, dishes, cooking etc. He's my hero.

My sole contribution has been little things like nursing Baby E, lying on the floor playing Polly Pocket with AJ and M&M, lying on the floor keeping the kids company while they fell asleep, and lying in bed throwing a ball for Baby E. :)

Mostly I've been pretty useless, both physically and mentally.

Sample conversations:

PK: "I think . . . there's still some . . . uh, um, some . . . uh, chicken in the . . . in the . . . in the . . . "

DH: "The refrigerator?"

PK: "Ughhhhh. Moan. Yeah, that."

DH: What do you want to do tonight?

PK: Huh?

DH: What are your plans for tonight; what do you want to do?

PK: Um, crash? What do you mean?

DH: Well, I was just wondering if you wanted to watch a movie, or sleep some more, or what.

PK: I don't know. Thinking hurts my head. So do noises. So does light. I think I'll go back to bed.

Today was better than yesterday, at least. I got up for a while several times. Even made breakfast for Baby E and myself and baked sugarless "cookies" (more like scones) while DH and the older kids were at church, grocery shopping and lunch. Then I ended up having to call him and ask him to hurry home because I was crashing.

Now I'm going back to bed.

Everyone else, BTW, is fine. Runny noses. DH is wearing himself out, though.

Too bad he has to go back to work tomorrow.

He's a good guy.

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Blogger Mark Daniels said...

Having had sinus infections before, I know that they're no fun. When they come on the heels of other stuff, I can understand how they could really lay one low!

Given how you've been feeling, I especially appreciate your visiting the blog and for your comments. Thanks!

Hope you feel a lot better today.

God bless.

Mark Daniels

PS: That DH is obviously a keeper!

3:47 AM  
Blogger KLee said...

So sorry. I know I hate being ill, so I can certainly empathize with you. It's a good thing that you've got a good husband! :)

Feel better!

10:41 AM  

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