Which Avatar?

Or should I make it something like a photo of me instead? I was thinking about something like this:

Of course, in avatar size it would look more like this:

Would it be too confusing to change my avatar so drastically, do you think? I kind of like the anonymity and name recognition of the kangaroo, but the idea of something a little more personal has some appeal as well.
Labels: blog business
My goodness, you have beautiful hair. Wow.
I like both, so I'm no use here.
Thanks, Liz. It's getting long again . . . I think I like it longer.
Yeah, I have no opinion on the avatar. I just wish I had your hair!!
Thanks . . . my hair actually has a lot more grey than shows up in this photo. The photo below, of me with the kids at the slide, is more accurate.
The picture of you is nice but the focus is on your back and hair and we can't see your face so it is also pretty anonymous. I agree that your hair is lovely. I also like the braid but I can't really see it on the small one.
Actually, if I look at it just right, the outline of your hair in the small one reminds me of an animal standing on its hind legs... maybe you can coax it into the shape of a kangaroo. jk :)
The current kangaroo is very cute, especially the head. It also might be more recognizable. I think I tend ever so slightly toward your current one, but maybe I'm just used to it. Of course, that kangaroo is actually yellow...
Maybe if you were doing something in the picture I'd prefer it. The one of you kissing E in the sidebar is touching.
I like the kangaroo. And it has nothing to do with the fact that I'm blazingly envious of such lovely, thick hair.... ;)
I'd stick with the kangaroo -- it's you! And I agree with your commenter, Kevin: it is more recognizable. You'll just melt in with the masses with a picture of your lovely hair; the kangaroo is more POW! specific.
I have to say the little kangaroo does have staying power... kind of like the Energizer Bunny or Mr. Peanut! But your hair is very lovely. I'm glad to see there is someone else out there letting the gray come in naturally! :-)
I'm partial to the kangaroo just b/c it is familiar and a quick identifier.
However, the picture of your beautiful hair would be easy to get used to and recognize.
You hair is pretty. I would stick with the kangaroo. That way we'll remember that it's you.
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