Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Seeing Spots

Well, Baby E is back on low-sucrose fruits (and fewer starches and sulfites). Ironically, she's had nearly normal BMs several times in the last day and a half since we started giving her fruit again. A barely-ripe organic banana seemed to help a lot in firming things up.

Yesterday after school we went to visit a piece of property my dad purchased to develop. We had so much fun. There were all kinds of buildings to poke around, including a big old barn and a child's playhouse. There was an orchard full of all kinds of fruit trees (apple, pear, plum, cherry, fig) and a small vineyard with blackberry and grape vines thickly covered with sweet fruit.


I tried to limit Baby E's fruit consumption, but she did pick and eat some grapes and part of an apple. It gave her moderate diarrhea smelling of grapes, but nothing like last week--not watery or mucousy. What she had last week was a completely different level and type of diarrhea than what she gets from fruit.

The older kids ate all kinds of fruit. The kids climbed trees, explored woods and fields, played in the playhouse, and overall had a marvelous time.

The property was beautifully cared for and well-loved in the past--we could tell by all the lovely little details everywhere, even though in recent years it had become run-down. I really wish I could adopt the place, restore it, and raise our family there. It would be a marvelous place to grow up. I offered to trade our house for it, but of course it wouldn't even come close to the value. :)

It will be sad to see the pool, pond, orchards and outbuildings give place to a subdivision. At least they'll save the darling old house with all its character. It has cubbies and gable rooms, wood floors, pantries, built-in bureaus and china cabinets, and lots of spaciousness and charm.

Last night all four of us had tummyaches from a little too much fruit. :) M&M's leg pain was worse than I've ever seen it before, but some Tylenol seemed to help.

Today M&M has little red spots all from her neck down her back, around to the front (but not on her tummy) and down one leg. None of the rest of us have them. The pediatrician's nurse said it could be chickenpox or a viral rash and was probably nothing to worry about. They have seemed to fade a bit without getting worse or spreading during the day, though, and she seems fine otherwise. So now I'm wondering if she may have been just bitten repeatedly by some sort of insect.

We were supposed to go and get prayed over tonight, but we don't know yet whether we'll end up rescheduling that or not.

AJ and M&M enjoyed school today. They did math, read books about explorers (including a child's-level biography of Marco Polo) and watched a video about maps and orienteering. Now they're having a blast hiding "treasures" around the house and yard and making "treasure maps" for each other to use to find the hidden treasures.

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Blogger Liz Miller said...

I hope M&M's rash is just a rash and not something more serious.

7:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember getting leg pains as a kid, although I don't know if mine were as bad as M&M's. We'd always get out the heating pad or hot water bottle, to help relax the muscles and that usually worked. When my mom was a child, her pains were so bad that she had to have a pepper capsacin (sp?) rub put on them. I'm not sure if that actually helped, or if it was just '50s-style medicine. :) --Kathy J.

8:43 AM  

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