Here's a post I made on the "But You Don't Look Sick" forums introducing myself and telling my "life story" about my past and present health issues. I thought I'd link in case anyone was interested.
It's me again, Carolynn. I have been reading some more of your journal and was most surprised to read that you are dealing with a Long Term Chronic Illness. How amazing is that, as I had said before I came to your journal in a very round about way, I'll explain to you soemtime. I too have a Long Term Chronic Disease. It is an Auto-Immune Disorder that is so Aggressive and has been Multiorgan to date that we have not as yet been able to give it a name. I was officially diagnosed in Early 1993 following a very harrowing and frieghtening last few months of 1992. In the ensuing years we have been through many hospitalisations both long and short and some rather close shaves. At the moment I am about to undergo a Major change in my treatments as unfortunately the main medication that has been resposible for helping to keep me alive for all these years now, is now doing too much damage to be able to continue on with it. I am at the moment awaiting Authorisation from one of our Major Hospitals to use another drug to try on it, but because it is not what the drug is normally used for we have a few large Hurdles to get across in order to get permission. I am hoping they are not too slow in their decision making as it is now 2 months since they stopped my Chemotherapy and my bloods are becoming a little more abnormal each time they are done, my liver functions particularly. Due to the disese I too have Chronic pain for which I am on heavy duty pain relief every day. I was told in 1993 to give up working in Neonates as it was " Too stressful an environment " to be working in. They now feel that because I continued is the reasons I have so far defied the odds. I work afternoon shifts 1300 to 2130 every Friday, Saturday and Sunday and enjoy every minute of it. I find I do what I want when I want when I am able and pull my head in when I have to. Fortunatley I also have a very supportive husband who is also in the Medical Proffession, he is a very Senior Paramedic.
Well I had better go off to bed right now as it is getting late, as in it is 2230 and I had promised myself as per usual to have an early night but of course here I am as per usual on the internet yet again.
DH (Dear Husband) and I have been married 15 years and have 4 girls: AJ, age 13; M&M, age 12; Ebee, who is 9; and Baby Nae, born in December 2013.
God has been faithful to sustain us despite my health challenges (which include fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome (ME), migraines, a genetic connective tissue disorder called Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS), and occasional extra fun twists like the year I had mono on top of it all. :)
Since removing excitotoxins from my diet as part of a clinical research study in 2009, my health has improved considerably.
Ebee has grown out of her food allergies and intolerances, and all four kids are happy, healthy and doing great. We're in a season of enjoying life very much right now.
Oh, PK... If you'll permit, from a relative stranger- *HUGS*
That is a LOT to deal with, and yet you're still managing to raise three amazing girls (and doing a fabulous job of it).
I wish all of you the best, and I'll be sure to pray for good news from your specialist and send healing thoughts and energy your way.
Hi Angela,
It's me again, Carolynn. I have been reading some more of your journal and was most surprised to read that you are dealing with a Long Term Chronic Illness. How amazing is that, as I had said before I came to your journal in a very round about way, I'll explain to you soemtime. I too have a Long Term Chronic Disease. It is an Auto-Immune Disorder that is so Aggressive and has been Multiorgan to date that we have not as yet been able to give it a name. I was officially diagnosed in Early 1993 following a very harrowing and frieghtening last few months of 1992. In the ensuing years we have been through many hospitalisations both long and short and some rather close shaves. At the moment I am about to undergo a Major change in my treatments as unfortunately the main medication that has been resposible for helping to keep me alive for all these years now, is now doing too much damage to be able to continue on with it. I am at the moment awaiting Authorisation from one of our Major Hospitals to use another drug to try on it, but because it is not what the drug is normally used for we have a few large Hurdles to get across in order to get permission. I am hoping they are not too slow in their decision making as it is now 2 months since they stopped my Chemotherapy and my bloods are becoming a little more abnormal each time they are done, my liver functions particularly. Due to the disese I too have Chronic pain for which I am on heavy duty pain relief every day. I was told in 1993 to give up working in Neonates as it was " Too stressful an environment " to be working in. They now feel that because I continued is the reasons I have so far defied the odds. I work afternoon shifts 1300 to 2130 every Friday, Saturday and Sunday and enjoy every minute of it. I find I do what I want when I want when I am able and pull my head in when I have to. Fortunatley I also have a very supportive husband who is also in the Medical Proffession, he is a very Senior Paramedic.
Well I had better go off to bed right now as it is getting late, as in it is 2230 and I had promised myself as per usual to have an early night but of course here I am as per usual on the internet yet again.
Goodnight for now
Love and Hugs Carolynn xxx :-)
(((( PK ))))
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