Why? Why? Why? But Why?
Today she bumped her arm lightly on a chair and said, "I bumped my awm! I need a band-aid."
I said, "Oh, I think you'll be ok. You don't need a bandage for a little bump like that."
"Because it's not bleeding."
"But it wiw stawt bweeding vewy soon."
"No, I don't think so."
"Because you just bumped it a little bit, and that won't make it bleed."
"Because little bumps don't break the skin."
"Well, because they just make a bump, and it doesn't usually make the skin come open. Only things like cuts and scrapes bleed."
"Because they break the skin open, and that lets blood out."
"I have a tut on my tummy. It's bweeding, see?" She showed me a teeny tiny scratch on her tummy. An old one, already scabbing over.
"Oh, yes, you do have a little tiny scratch on your tummy. But it's not bleeding."
Labels: kid stuff
Platelets in the blood form a natural band-aid.
But why?
To stop your blood from pouring out of your body.
But Why?
I think this ultimately leads to something like, "I don't know", or "that's just the way it is", or, maybe if you're in a playful mood, "why do you think, Ebee?". :)
I suspect that my parents used that last one on me, since I'm told that I used to make up all kinds of (occasionally believable) explanations for things.
When you get E to understand only needing a bandage if she's bleeding, can you send her over here to convince my little one?
Pretty please?
You can get a whole bunch of science classes done just answering all those questions!
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