Friday, April 25, 2008

Poor Ebee

Ebee has had severe diarrhea for a couple of days now. She doesn't get it nearly as often as she used to, but still usually at least once a month or more. (The milder diarrhea is much more frequent still.)

She hasn't been eating much, but is drinking lots of fluids at least. She is tired and clingy and her tummy hurts, of course, but she doesn't seem dehydrated. She also doesn't seem to have a fever.

DH said that while I was out getting my prescriptions filled, she projectile vomited after eating her children's chewable vitamins. We're not sure if she has an intestinal virus, or if the vitamins just don't agree with her.

It could certainly be that the amount of sugar in the vitamins combined with the increased amount of fruit Ebee has been eating the last few days was just too much for her system. She can tolerate more sugars than she used to, but it's still a fine balance.

Or she could have caught mono from me. Diarrhea is one of the possible symptoms, and I certainly have had mild issues in that department myself for the last few weeks.

Or it could be that we're not really tolerating the new addition of goat milk as well lately, since I haven't had the energy to turn it into homemade yogurt.

Things are never uncomplicated around here.

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