Friday, May 02, 2008

Performaces, Picnic and Teachers

Today was a lot of fun. Mom, Dad and Sparrow got in last night, so they were able to pick us up and drive us around today.

J's friends have been wonderful about giving us rides, since neither one of us was up to walking the mile between campus and J's apartment. But it was nice not to have to worry about finding rides today. And, of course, it was nice to have the whole family together.

I skipped the morning activities and slept until 11AM. That left me feeling much better today. I wish J could have gotten some extra rest too, but she was required to go to all the scheduled convocation events.

We went to the performance of Henry V, which I enjoyed immensely. I had no idea it was so funny! I found myself wishing DH was here, because he would have enjoyed it as well.

We went grocery shopping in the afternoon, and then went to a picnic and met more of J's friends. Her friends are so nice. They made us all feel so immediately comfortable and included.

The commencement concert was thoroughly enjoyable, interspersing classical music with narrations from literature. Selections included The Hobbit, Tom Sawyer and The Wind in the Willows. Copies will be available to purchase, so I think I'll get one to take home. DH and the girls would like it, I think, and I'd enjoy being able to listen to it again.

The best part was that while we were walking in to the concert, we ran into my beloved speech teacher, Mrs. H. Sis J and I had looked for her in the school directory unsuccessfully, and I was so disappointed that she didn't seem to be here. It was such a gift to see her and talk with her. She was just as I remembered her--so warm and articulate, with a twinkling smile and eyes that seem to connect directly to the heart.

We also got to see my creative writing teacher, Mrs. JLT. She remembered me and my classmates quite well, saying that we were a particularly memorable group of students. We really had a great mix of colorful personalitites in that poetry writing class.

Mrs JLT said that she uses one of my poems as an example in her class each year. Wow! That was flattering. She encouraged me to keep in touch, and told me to be sure and send her a copy of my first book whenever I get one published. :)

Seeing two of the teachers that were so influential for me really made me want to get serious about honing my writing and speaking abilities. I'd love to take more classes to improve my skills.

Unfortunately, I didn't even think to get photos with my teachers until later. I wish I'd done that. Oh, well.

I'm missing my husband and kids, and they're missing me. But we get to talk on the phone and/or via e-mail a few times a day. It will be great to be back with them in a couple of days.

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Blogger Liz Miller said...

Sounds like you are having a wonderful time!

9:44 PM  

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