
The rescue on the southeastern side of our state sent me pictures of Baby's puppies. They are so adorable. I think they're getting close to 7 weeks old now.

If anyone thinks they might be interested in adopting one, please drop me a note and I'll send you the rescue's contact information.

The rescue says, "There are 7 pups; 2 boys, 5 girls:2 brown/white, 1 black/white, and 4 tan/white. They are 6 weeks old and loving life. They love to be around people and are very social with other dogs. If you are looking for a breed that will be a great family dog, loyal to the end, and keep an eye on the kids, you've found it."

If they're anything like their mother, they'll be amazing dogs.
Labels: pets, snap happy
Oh they are BEAUTIFUL!!!
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