Monday, June 14, 2010

Attitude Adjustments

A friend of mine posted a question for discussion about how to handle it when kids have bad attitudes. I have enjoyed reading the various perspectives, and learning from them.

Here's mine:

Personally, I think we can get into dangerous ground when we start judging our children's hearts and attitudes.


Only God can judge the heart, and it is very easy to misinterpret someone else's thoughts, attitudes and motives. Tones and feelings can easily come across or be interpreted differently by the hearer and the speaker (for example, honest frustration, sadness or intensity being heard as sassy or disrespectful attitudes when they are not).

I have found 1 Corinthians 13:7 convicting when I find myself jumping to assuming bad attitudes and motives on the part of my children. Love assumes the most charitable explanation for motives and actions, not the worst.

There was an interesting study I wish I could find the link to again, where researchers took families (basically healthy families with good relationships) and had them discuss a topic as a family.

Then they took each family member separately and played back a video of the discussion, asking each person what they were thinking and what they thought other family members were thinking or what their attitudes were at various points in the conversation.

A huge percentage of the time, both parents and kids were wrong in their guesses about the others' thinking and motivations, tending to assume they had much more negative or "bad attitude" thoughts going on than they actually did. Ironically, they had a high level of certainty that their own interpretation was correct even when they were actually wrong. Their confidence in their ability to understand and read the others' attitudes and motivations far outreached their ability to do so.

So I think we need to be careful in how we handle this. It's good if we can come from a perspective of instruction and teaching while giving them the benefit of the doubt, rather than judging, shaming or punishing the child for an attitude we may or may not be perceiving correctly. We need to be on the same team and help them gain the tools they need to solve the underlying issues.

For instance, I had to rethink my interpretation when we were having bedtime issues. I finally realized that the kids were having trouble staying in bed and going to sleep because *they weren't sleepy,* not because they were trying to make life difficult for us or they were intentionally misbehaving. Punishment didn't work because it didn't address the underlying need. We just needed to make some adjustments to their routine to create a peaceful attitude and help them settle down and go to sleep more easily.

With other issues related to attitude, often the child simply needs information about how they are coming across and how to adjust their tone and manner to come across in a more appropriate way (which, incidentally, is much more likely to get the result they want).

My mom had a good approach by cheerfully (even sympathetically) saying, "I'm sorry, I can't understand you when you whine." I will do that too, or simply let them know that they sound whiny.

They'll say, "Oh, I didn't realize that; I didn't mean to whine," and retry in a much better tone. If needed I will give them suggestions about things like taking a deep breath and then smiling while they ask in a cheerful tone to help it not come across as whining.

Modeling is so very helpful. Often kids don't realize how their tone and attitude comes across and need to be made aware, and then (especially for younger kids) have us SHOW them how to do it appropriately.

Many parents do this in teaching their kids to say please. When they say, "Gimme some milk!" the parent will reply, "Please may I have some milk?" in a pleasant tone, and the kid will usually make an effort to repeat it that way.

When kids do seem to have a real attitude problem, it is a good reminder for the parents to check their own attitude. I find that often my kids' attitude is a reflection of my own attitude. If I am being grumpy and graceless or not having a kind, respectful attitude in the way I interact they will very quickly pick up on and reflect that.

If I treat my chores as drudgery, I procrastinate, or I don't stay on task with a good work ethic and positive attitude, I cannot be surprised when my kids do the same. If I treat their requests as annoying interruptions and inconveniences, or say "I'll do it in a minute" and then forget, they are likely to do so also.

Taking a deep breath and having a chat to apologize to each other and try to work together to do better, taking a break, coming up with a plan and routine, reading an inspiring and applicable story, using limits and incentives, playing lively "work music" or whatever is needed to regroup and get a fresh start is helpful.

And, of course, there's the HALT list of things to check: are they Hungry, Angry, Lonely (or socially overstimulated and needing alone time, for introverts), Tired. Those factors can be huge in a kid's (or adult's) ability to respond appropriately to a situation.

We may need to have a conversation about how we need to be kind and respectful to each other even when we're grumpy, but the real solution is to get the need taken care of. Learning to recognize the reasons they are feeling grumpy and what to do to fix it (i.e. eat a snack) is an integral life-skill that is very important for our kids to learn.

There can be many reasons for issues that come across as bad attitudes. Kids may need to feel heard, or they need some quality time and focused attention. Or they may be feeling overwhelmed and discouraged with a task and need help understanding it or making it more manageable.

I think it can be counterproductive when we focus on our perception of the child's attitude as bad, rather than focusing on what the problem *causing* the attitude is and how to fix it or teach the tools they need to deal with it.

That attitude issue on the child's part may also be our reminder to check ourselves according to Eph. 6:4 and Col. 3:21 to make sure we are interacting with our children in a way that does not exasperate, embitter or discourage them or make them lose heart.



Blogger Kevin said...

What a wonderfully insightful and pragmatic post, PK.

I used to play peacemaker in our family and the dynamics and solutions you describe are exactly what we'd work through. And this for adults.

Even when bad attitudes and motives to attack are clear, there is a cause behind them -- often a hurt born of mis-expressed but valid intention. It can be hard to unwind, but there begins mutual understanding and building trust in good intentions.

8:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find this post to be very insightful, and also very timely for me.
I was just thinking today about how I often misjudged Neighbor Girl's motivations for behavior, etc., and was annoyed by it. Now that I see that much of it may stem from anxiety, and that she really is having a hard time dealing with it, I am able to look at her through a completely different lens, and --I hope--mother much more gently.
Thank you for this post....
--Neighbor Lady

4:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

p.s. Nice to see you posting again! :)
--Neighbor Lady

5:00 PM  
Blogger kathy a. said...

i'm late, but you have some wonderful points. like neighbor lady, many times when my kids were "acting up," there was some anxiety behind it that i did not understand; sometimes, too, they were not thinking of how they were coming across. being able to talk about these things and craft [or let them craft, as they became young adults] solutions is an ongoing thing, and really a gift to us all.

10:00 AM  
Blogger purple_kangaroo said...

Thanks so much for the great comments, all.

Kevin, very good point--I included your thought in my next post.

Neighbor Lady, thanks! I hope to get back into blogging semi-regularly again

Kathy A., you're right--it is a gift to everyone.

9:06 PM  

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