The Eye Meme, expanded (Eleventy-One #19)
I also love to look at other people's eyes. You can see so much about their personality, mood and what they're thinking.

These are two of the same sets of eyes, with glasses on.

There's a blog meme (idea passed from blog to blog) going around where you post a picture of your eyes.
I am not sure who started it . . . looks like Jo(e) (inspired by Scrivenings and Dr. H) and Shakespeare's Sister may have gotten the idea about the same time. But I've seen it on several blogs (Dr. H is making a list), and it's really fun to look at all the pictures of people's eyes.
It doesn't tell enough about someone's looks so I would recognize them on the street (which is probably why so many are willing to do it). But it makes me feel like I know them a little better somehow, and it gives me a visual window into who they are.
I really liked Mystery Mommy's picture of her own eyes in glasses, even though she normally wears contact lenses.
Jo(e) carried the idea to a new level and added gorgeous pics of her kids' eyes.
Phantom Scribbler noted in her kids' eyes meme post, "If you don't have kids but want to play along with this meme, why not take a tip from Russian Violets, and do this?"
I'm taking it one step farther still.
You'll have to guess whose eyes they are.
[Update: I'm tagging Mark C, the other Mark, Xinnamon, Ann Althouse, Allison and Kevin for this meme.]
Sorry, can't participate in this one: I still haven't figured out how to post photographs.
Nice, PK. Are you the blue eyes flecked with hazel?
Phantom Scribbler, you guessed correctly. :)
Mark, you need to upload them to a source that will store them and then you just put the URL in your post, similar to a link but with an img src="url of photo" tag.
Chaudes, I tried to look at your photos but the link doesn't work.
Sorry... I don't play tag. :)
Mark C.
Hey Angela,
here's mine (complete with dark eye circles:P). sorry the pic's so small:
was going to guess which pair are your eyes, but I read the answer already;p. you have beautiful eyes:)!
Great photo, xinnamon!
Just to clarify, the idea of a meme is that you would hopefully post the photo on your own blog and then link to your blog from mine.
You get more traffic to your own blog that way. It's a fun way to connect with other bloggers and maybe read some new blogs.
Of course, you can also do it the way you did and that's fine too. :)
BTW, which pair did you guess were my eyes before you read the answer?
oh, guess I didn't read properly ^^>. will post it on my blog and link it back to you:D.
I guessed the first pair was your eyes.. maybe because it's the first picture, and the second and third picture look like children's eyes:).
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