Look, Mom! I got dressed all by myself.

A, who recently turned 4, got herself dressed this morning. All I can say is, "Good job, A!" I did suggest she might want to consider changing into a short-sleeved blouse since it's a warm day out today, but she was insistent that she liked the one she was wearing.
Hopefully the fashion sense will come later.
Looks great to me... what's the problem? :)
I'd like to point out that she has more fashion sense than I do.
I think the outfit looks great!
LOL . . . well, some of the things I like are pretty odd too, but I just would never put together a red shirt with white polka-dot-style flowers, blue and white checked pants, and hot pink socks with purple stripes.
I must say, though, occasionally when I think one or the other DD picked out her own clothes and mention something about it to DH, he says "She didn't pick that out . . . I did. What's wrong with it?"
I usually don't say anything about DD's choices unless they're wildly inappropriate for the weather or the occasion.
I have taken my kids out in public wearing some really odd combinations (which they picked out) and had complete strangers stop and say something like, "Let me guess, either she picked out her own clothes today or Daddy did." Now that's kind of rude I think . . . what if I had picked them out? *chuckle*
Angela, remember my fashion sense when I was little? I would wear a plaid shirt with polka-dotted pants or something like that. But they both had blue in them!!! And I though it was absolutly ridiculous to think that your socks had to match your clothes (or each other). I mean, they are just socks!
Who says socks have to match? Coordinating with your outfit is always nice, but not absolutely necessary. Life's too short for matching socks anyway. :)
Wait... (looks down at self) are you saying that outfit doesn't match?
Excuse me, I have to go change....
Some follow fashion, other's set it. "A" looks great to me. Perhaps she is just a fashion setter instead of a follower. If she continues this trend you will probably grow to appreciate it even more... or perhaps you would prefer that she spends her teenage summers in skimpy tops with boys/men ogling her features every chance they get.
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