Friday, August 05, 2005


We're home. Baby E was awake most of the night but seems like she just might be starting to settle into a better eat-wake-sleep pattern.

I'm still very tired, but am feeling somewhat human again. So thankful that DH will be able to take a week or so off work and is insistent on letting me rest and recover.

The girls are thrilled, but so very excited that they are a bit wearing to be around, LOL. They are very tired too and a bit easily overstimulated/upset. Hopefully we'll all adjust quickly.

Pictures will be coming soon!

Thank you so much to all our family, friends, and bloggy buddies for your prayers, concern and excitement with us. I appreciate all the notes on people's blogs and am trying to make my way around to comment on them as I have energy.

Baby E's name means "consecrated to God." After all we went through with her, we're convinced she's an extra-special blessing.

I don't know if you all knew, but our 3-month-old nephew died of SIDS the week I got pregnant. Then my midwife told me I was miscarrying baby E. We threatened miscarriage the whole first trimester. That was really scary.

A couple of weeks after we were done with that, I got rear-ended on the freeway and the ER people couldn't find the heartbeat at first, but both Baby E and I were ok.

Then I started having contractions every 10 minutes or closer for hours at a time more than 5 weeks before her due date, and had 6 weeks of prelabor.

As big as she was and in the position she was in (her left fist was by her right cheek when she finally came out), and the way labor didn't progress for so many hours, the nurses and pediatrician are amazed we didn't end up with a c-section or at least vaccuum/forceps delivery, with me tearing (I didn't even need stitches) or her getting hurt (she doesn't even have a cone-head even after 4-6 hours of wanting to push and doing some pushing and then 100+ minutes of hard, hard constant pushing).

We are so grateful to have her here safe and healthy!


Blogger Deborah White said...

Welcome home! Can hardly wait for pics of your sweet baby daughter.

3:27 PM  
Blogger Suzanne said...

I'm so glad you both are home, safe and sound. I'm also amazed that you have the energy to post a blog entry!

5:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats! to you amd your family!


6:25 PM  
Blogger Liz Miller said...

Welcome home! Get some rest. I'm so happy for you.

7:58 PM  
Blogger BrightStar (B*) said...

I'm totally looking forward to a picture. :)

5:57 AM  
Blogger KLee said...

I'm glad that you and Baby E are home, and resting comfortably. Also, very glad for you that Dad is getting to take some time off to spend with all of you.

Glad that you made it through the delivery with as little damage to you as possible, and glad that Baby E came through with flying colors.

We wish you much love, and hearty congrats!

7:34 PM  

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