Saturday, August 20, 2005

Hooray for family

Baby E had her first real bath yesterday. She didn't like it much, but it made her hair so soft and fluffy.

Here's what she does like--being held. She was staring up into my face with her arms crossed under her chin today. Of course, I couldn't get her to look at the camera--she wanted to look at Mommy instead.

She's so incredibly alert and observant. Sometimes she'll be fussing about something and see something interesting. She'll stop mid-cry to stare at it for several minutes before she remembers that she was fussing and starts up again.

Baby E loves to stare at people's faces.

DH left early this morning on a business trip. My dad took him to the airport at 4 a.m.--thanks, Dad!

Since Saturday is DH's day to spend special time with the girls while I get a break, they especially missed him today. We were all very tired and the kids were weepy and grouchy. The baby wouldn't sleep or stop fussing unless she was being held. It had the makings of a very long day.

As I was cooking breakfast, my mother-in-law (MIL) called and said, "I'm on my way over. Make a list of things you want me to do while I'm there, and I'll help with whatever I can." I was so surprised and grateful. She was here for the whole day and did tons of laundry as well as entertaining the girls, holding the baby, etc. The help was wonderful, but even nicer was just having her company all day. I really enjoyed her visit, and so did the girls. I even got a 2 1/2 hour (!!!) nap this afternoon. She's coming again tomorrow afternoon.

Our family and friends have been so supportive. We took my parents and sisters out to dinner Thursday night as a thank-you for all their help watching the girls at critical times during the pregnancy and delivery. That was a little bittersweet, as my middle sister is leaving to complete her degree next week. It was the last time we'd all be together for several months. We'll miss J a lot.

Today, bedtime without DH was the most challenging part of the day. The girls were fairly cooperative, but the baby cried the whole time I was trying to get them into bed. So much for of a relaxed, leisurely time of cuddling A and M and tucking them in. I was trying to help them brush their teeth and hustling them into bed with one hand while holding a screaming baby with the other.

Finally after the girls were settled and in bed, Baby E conked out and slept for 30 or 40 minutes while I went back into the girls' room to cuddle and pray with them. Now baby E is awake and eating again, but the girls are settled much more happily.

We got to talk to DH on the phone several times today. He hid little notes around the house for me and sent me the clue to help me find the first one today.

I miss him.


Blogger BrightStar (B*) said...

that second photo is just precious!!!

4:50 AM  
Blogger Liz Miller said...

Such a sweet baby. And I love your MIL.

5:51 PM  
Blogger ccw said...

She is such a beautiful baby! Glad you were able to get some sleep and have some company. Both are wonderful with a newborn.

10:59 PM  
Blogger halloweenlover said...

She is really super duper cute! So alert!

Your hubbie sounds so sweet. I love the notes.

8:49 AM  
Blogger purple_kangaroo said...

Thanks . . . she is so fun to take photos of. :) And, yes, my DH is a very sweet wonderful guy.

11:53 PM  
Blogger Scrivener said...

She is utterly adorable!

7:30 AM  

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