Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Not Supermom

I'm tired and grouchy today. Tired to the level of feeling dizzy and barely being able to walk--you know the feeling? Of course, it might help if I'd eat something more substantial than a couple of banana oatmeal chocolate chip cookies.

Just to prove I'm really not Supermom, here's a list of just a few of the many things I have not done this week.

* Laundry--in any way, shape or form. Which would be part of the reason I'm wearing the same outfit for the third day in a row today. (The other part being a distinct lack of clothes that both fit and are appropriate for nursing.) Thankfully, DH did some laundry last week so at least the kids have clean clothes, and we all have clean underwear.

* Putting away the laundry DH washed. It's (as usual) still sitting in piles and baskets in the hallway.

* Cooking--last night was the first time in about two weeks I've actually cooked dinner.

* Cleaning, other than what's been absolutely urgent (potty accidents and doing the dishes). The floor under the kitchen table is in such a state that I immediately throw away any food that gets dropped rather than trying to salvage it. None of the floors have been cleaned for weeks. The house looks, as my mom used to say, "like a disaster area"--piles of papers and clutter, everything from clothes to toys scattered on most inches of each room. There's still a pile of grocery bags in the living room from my last shopping trip about a month ago. The perishables managed to get put away, but everything else is still piled behind the rocking chair in the corner. The surfaces we cook and eat off of are pretty sanitary and clean--but go anywhere else in the house at your own risk.

* Shopping. The only outings I've managed so far with the three girls by myself were situations where there was at least one family member at the destination to help with the kids. We're out of eggs and several other essentials, but the very thought of trying to navigate a grocery store with the three kids is overwhelming. Besides, I need to conserve my energy for my 2-week postpartum appointment with the midwife this afternoon.

* Spending time with DH. By the time the kids are in bed (a task which has become his while I nurse the baby), I am crashing and burning.

* Making progress on the logo I'm supposed to be designing for my mom. I promised I'd make one for her gift basket business several months ago and haven't finished it yet. I feel really bad about that and keep trying to set aside time to work on it, but sleep usually ends up taking precedence.

* Putting the 3-6 month size clothes away and taking the clothes that are too small for E out of her drawers. There are still piles of clothes and other baby items all over the floor of the baby's room--not a huge deal since she sleeps in our room anyway, but annoying to step over and around when we use the changing table and dresser in there.

* Giving Baby E a bath. She's had a few sponge baths, but I've been wanting to give her a full-fledged bath and just haven't gotten around to it yet.

* Doing any kind of yardwork. I feel sorry for the neighbors, having to look at our yard. :)

* Playing with the girls. I've supervised their play while doing other things, directed their preschool, and read to them. They're fed and cared for, but I feel like I haven't really been interacting with them much. And I haven't just sat down to play with them in ages.

There's lots more, but my brain is running dry at the moment and I'm getting tired of typing one-handed while holding a fussy infant with the other.


Blogger BrightStar (B*) said...

No one can be PerfectMom, but you are still AwesomeMom.

4:54 PM  
Blogger KLee said...

Sometimes things that are less important get lost in the shuffle. Cleaning is not essential. For Criminy's sake -- you just had a baby! You squeezed a very large something out of an opening that is nowhere *near* the same size! And, you're nursing the baby, up cooking, *and* still directing preschool for the other two. Yeah, you're a slacker, all right! :P

Slow the hell down! You're making me dizzy! Rest. The house will still be there in a week. Take time with Baby E now. She's only an infant once. Treasure the time. Beg a parent or a friend to spot you so you can nap. Arrange a playdate for the girls. Does your church offer some sort of Mother's Morning Out? Heck, if I lived nearby, I'd come wash your dishes and mop your floor!

7:17 PM  
Blogger Liz Miller said...

What KLee & B* said.

Do you have the resources to hire a lawn service or cleaning woman?

Does your church have a Ladies Aid Society?

7:45 PM  
Blogger purple_kangaroo said...

Thanks, ladies. It's amazing how we've never actually met and yet you can encourage me so much. Hiring someone isn't really an option, but our church will be bringing meals next week and we have some supportive people in our lives I may be able to call in for some relief. :)

I am considering trying to make it to the Mom's group picnic tomorrow. The only thing really holding me back is that the thought of packing a picnic lunch seems overwhelming. Kind of silly, huh?

I'm sitting here holding a sleeping baby. She's so deliciously relaxed and trusting, so squishy and solid and sweet that I don't want to put her down.

11:35 PM  
Blogger Liz Miller said...

Nu? So don't pack a lunch. Or call one of the other moms and ask if you can go in on her lunch with her if you bring the paper goods and drinks.

Simplify your life as much as you can the next few weeks/months.

12:03 PM  
Blogger Running2Ks said...

My sympathies--and you will be up and at 'em again soon. But, also, like KLee said.

2:20 PM  

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