Blogging forecast for the weekend; Eleventy-One Things #36
For the past few weeks, I've been thinking, "Well, I'm extremely tired, but at least it's not Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome tired." Because CFS tired is a whole different animal, especially when combined with fibromyalgia pain and the ensuing insomnia--something I sincerely hope none of my readers ever have to experience. It's very similar to having a bone-wrenching case of influenza, only worse.
Eleventy-one things about me, #36: I have fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome, along with some other health issues. For the last few years it's been mostly under control, with only occasional flare-ups. I'm very thankful to be healthier at this point in my life than I ever thought I'd be a few years ago. You can read part of that story here if you're interested. (Do keep in mind that the linked article was written in the context of an apologetic disagreeing with the doctrine that illnesses or other bad things always happen as a result of lack of faith or something else a person does or fails to do.)
Actually, that's a lot of the reason I can function so (relatively) well on pure adrenaline in the midst of fatigue and stress; because I've dealt with so much worse that "normal" levels of physical/mental difficulty seem mild in comparison. I've had a lot of practice in pressing through to do what I have to do no matter how I feel. My "good" level is how most people feel when they're dealing with a mild to moderate illness.
Anyway, all that to say I've reached the critical point where I absolutely have to get some serious rest or risk a major flare-up. I really hit a wall this afternoon and at this point am just hoping to salvage the situation before it turns worse. So, since we have a three-day weekend and DH is home and no longer sick, I'm going to try to rest absolutely as much as possible.
But first, I'll leave you with a couple of cute pictures I took first thing this morning:

I had a whole long post I was going to write with cute stories about the kids to go wih the photos, but I just don't have the energy. So, have a great weekend and enjoy your Labor Day. I'm going to bed.
I'd appreciate your thoughts and prayers that I will be able to sleep and get rested, and that the pain and fatigue levels would lift and not turn into a bad flare-up. I need to be functional for my family.
I'm so sorry to hear about your health issues. I hope you get some seriously good rest this weekend. Fabulous pix -- did you stand on a chair to get that top view?
Sorry to hear about your health problems. I hope you are able to get some good rest over the weekend!
Adding my prayers. Get some sleep!
HUGS to you! I know you went through so much before. I really hope you get the rest you need. You need to be healthy, your family needs you. I hope you get the help to get your energy back. And the pictures were adorable!
Praying for you, Angela! I'm quite sick this weekend too--no fun. I'm glad we have a long weekend so both of us can recover.
Hoping you were able to get plenty of rest over the extended weekend--I know firsthand how difficult it is to be a functioning mom while battling extreme fatigue. Although I haven't officially been diagnosed with CFS yet, whatever is causing my fatigue results in nearly identical symptoms, so I have a lot of sympathy for CFS sufferers.
Your kids are adorable, by the way! :)
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