In the words of a book I read once
My schedule for the next few days:
Today I pack up and mail two eBay auctions I sold, and visit with a friend who is scheduled to come over this afternoon. My sister called to see if she can come over tonight--I'd love to see her but am not sure if that will work out or not yet. Sometime tonight DH and I need to have a conversation trying to work out how to plan and prioritize our life, and especially the next couple of weeks.
Tomorrow we have the first meeting of our Mom's group, and I'll be a small group leader for the first time. Then in the afternoon both girls have checkups (including vaccinations, which I hate).
Friday is an event at church I'm supposed to go to, we have a gathering with DH's family on Saturday, and DH leaves in the wee hours of the morning on Sunday (or really late Saturday night).
Yes, he's going to be gone again. Apparently there's some huge emergency with a customer having trouble with the software and threatening to sue DH's company, and DH gets to save the day. He just found out today, and will have to be gone for several days again.
The baby is getting herself onto a schedule. It makes things somewhat predictable and let me plan out my day a little more. She naps for about 30-50 minutes at 10 a.m. and then for a few hours in the afternoon, and is awake most of the rest of the time. Sometime between midnight and 2 a.m. she's asleep for the night, waking 3 times before waking up for the day at 7 a.m. or so. She must be one of those kids who doesn't need much sleep. But it's nice to know what to expect.
Wow, you are a busy woman!
We just had our first API meeting today. Hope your Mom's group mtg goes well.
Glad that baby E is starting to get more predictable. I know I appreciated knowing what to expect (to some degree) with my DD.
Hope your DH isn't gone for more than a couple days.
Oh, and thanks for your comments on my blog the other day about the trolls. There's a lot of history to the trolling parties, but I'm not going into it on my blog (at least not for now). I wish they were just some random anonymous folks. It would make it so much easier.
Hope your days go well. You are an awfully busy woman. Again, I want your energy or at least the ability to fake it.
You are just too amazing. It was months post-partum before I had half the energy (or schedule) that you have. I hope you get lots and lots of "useful" help!
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