September Smiles

Baby E is 5 1/2 weeks old now and weighs over 12 lbs! I can't believe how fast she is growing, and how HUGE she is. She's starting to get hard to hold in one arm easily already. (More photos below fold)

I had to look her weight up on the CDC growth chart because I was afraid something was wrong and she was growing too fast (this mommy will worry about anything!), but no. She seems to be right around the 95th or 98th percentile for her age.

It is so different for me because my other two girls have seemed to fluctuate between the 5th and 15th percentiles consistently. Baby E may catch up with the older two in size before long. M weighs 30 lbs. and A about 39 lbs. at 3 and 4 years old, so they're closer to the 50th percentile now, but still!
I'm not to sure about carting her around as she gets older if she stays 90+ percentile. This baby may not get carried as much, LOL. I guess she'll have to learn to walk earlier. :)
She is so cute!
Kid L stayed in the higher percentiles for weight, but Baby H has never cracked the 5th.
Those pictures are sooooooo adorable!!!!
So, so cute!!!!
she looks great! too cute. I love seeing Baby E. Thanks. :)
That's it, I have to pinch those cheeks. Put that baby up to the monitor ;)
what a sweet little face!
She is just precious!
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