Happy 2-month Birthday, Baby E

Baby E is two months old today. She already doesn't seem at all like a newborn.
Now that I'm not eating soy or chocolate, she is almost always smiling and cooing or intently observing the world. Soy is extremely hard to avoid (even things like soup, bread, candy and canned tuna contain soy products!), especially since I'm also avoiding dairy products. I really miss chocolate. But it's so worth it to have a happy baby.

With the colic gone, she is an easygoing, joyful kid. She doesn't insist on being held most of the time, although she does demand that you look at and talk to her frequently. Most of all, she wants to be where she can see and coo at us.
She naps very little--I think she's just so interested in everything around her that she doesn't want to miss out. She really fights going to sleep if there's any activity around her. She does get fussy spells occasionally, but they're usually short-lived and fairly easy to solve. Right now her stuffy nose is making her uncomfortable and interfering with naps, but she's still amazingly cheerful.
Baby E's favorite games right now are watching her hands move and trying to put them in her mouth. She also enjoys looking at and trying to grab various toys, but her absolute favorite thing is people. She loves to be able to see and interact with anyone, but especially her Mommy. :) She really lights up whenever she sees me, which of course melts my heart.
She's quite strong, and holds her head and body up well. I can carry her in one arm or in the front-pack carrier facing out, and she supports herself just fine. She likes being able to see the world that way.

Baby E's life is still one big growth spurt. As you can see, she still has those kissable chubby cheeks. At 2 months of age, she weighs 13.5 lbs. and is starting to grow out of some of her 3-6 month size clothes.
I'm discovering that I really need a camera with a faster shutter. Baby E is always moving these days, so most of my photos of her look like this:

She moves her head so much that face pictures often look like she has two noses:

She's going to be rolling over and then sitting up in no time. A couple of days ago I propped her up on a pillow on my bed while I was getting dressed, and she rolled off it (the pillow, not the bed).
Oh, and my favorite milestone . . . she's regularly sleeping through the night. Almost every night for the past week or so, she's slept for at least a 7-hour stretch. Hooray!
That is one good looking kid! She melts my heart.
Wow, I can't believe it's been 2 months already! I'm so glad you have discovered the key to a happy baby. Hooray for sleep!
This baby is so beautiful. You must be so happy. You're three-for-three in the gorgeous kid department!
yay! more baby E pics! I'm addicted. :)
Happy 2 mos Baby E! My how they grow up so fast. It's so nice to be able to "be there" "watching" all of these miletones through your blog. Thank you for putting the time you do into it!
Happy Birthday, E! (I call my second E in "real life." Short of Eli) I love that second picture. It's one of those "why people have babies" pictures.
Ooooh, you're making me miss my baby girls. She is so cute.
Sorry about the soy/dairy exclusion diet. I had to try that with my middle baby and it was no picnic.
Shes a real cutie and i cant believe the size of her!
She seems to be doing so well. Keep up the good work!
What a cutie. I wouldn't like giving up soy and dairy products, but she'd be worth it.
What a beautiful baby! She is getting so big.
She's so beautiful. Has it really been 2 months already???
Happy 2 months, Baby E! :)
Have I ever told you that she's so darn cute she doesn't even look real? I mean that in a good way, of course!
Congrats to the entire family on the good sleeping habits, too!
she looks so happy! great pictures, today we are celebratings Alexandria's 6 month birthday!
Thanks so much for your kind words, everyone. We kind of like our baby. :)
aw, she's so sweet! I miss my babies too...my youngest will be 30 her next bday! They grow up way too fast.
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