Homemade Playdough

Yesterday the girls played with homemade playdough.
It was an incentive for getting to bed quickly the night before--I told them if they hurried to get ready for bed and went right to sleep, I'd have time to make playdough. Rarely has bedtime gone so smoothly.

They spent a happy hour squishing it and cutting out shapes with cookie cutters, and then made snowmen. An easy bedtime, and then a deeply occupying activity for the next day. Not bad for 5 minutes of preparation time.

The recipe is very quick and easy to make. This playdough has a nice soft, squishy texture ideal for small children. It also carries a relatively low-mess- and stain-factor (especially if you leave out the food coloring, as I do).

From T.O.T. Teaching Our Tots by Cretia Olsen, 1980
1 cup flour
1 cup water
1/2 cup salt
2 tsp. cream of tartar
2 Tbs. vegetable oil
food coloring
Cook 3 minutes. It will form a ball. Stir quickly. Pleace on wax paper. Knead. Separate into portions. Make a dent and add food coloring. Knead until color is uniform.
Store in airtight plastic containers. (Ziploc bags work just fine.)
Labels: kid stuff, learning, muddling motherhood
Oooh, fun! We make the same kind of playdough. I like to add a few drops of cherry or mint extract to make it smell nice, too. The kids love it.
I have fond memories of mom making playdough and the hours of fun we spent with it!
Hehe, you'll have to try that type of thing for bedtime again!
I'm going to try that with my niece and nephew! Thanks for the recipe!
Allison, that's a great idea! I think my mom did that sometimes too.
Wow, Amy, your mom made the same kind of playdough my mom did? You'd almost think we were sisters or something!
Halloweenlover, I'd love to see a report of the play-doughing experience when you do!
What a fun time. Homemade is MUCH better. How cool!
Usually in the spring, I make Peanut butter playdough with my class, and we use M&Ms, sprinkles, and Fruit Twistables as decorations. They get to make something cool, decorate it with all the candy bits, and then eat it! If you like, I'll be happy to send you the recipe!
I hope no one's allergic to peanut butter!
You can also make it without the cream of tartar and the vegetable oil - you don't have to cook it that way. I use the Mr. Rogers method: "one part salt, two parts flour, mix with cold water 'til it's right for modeling." I don't think it's as squishy as that version, but it comes together fairly quickly and it's fun.
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