Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Busy holiday weekend ahead

AJ just looked over my shoulder and said, "Mommy, what's a Blogger?" I have to watch what I have on the computer screen now that she's reading so easily and well.

We're having a hard time getting going today. Baby E is fussy and teething, which means she wants to nurse a lot. It's raining and dreary outside. MM has a rash near her mouth which I'm trying to figure out the cause of (dairy or raspberries, it seems), I have some kind of wierd dermatitis going on, the girls are grouchy, and I'm tired and lazy. But things are looking up!

Sis J is on her way over to visit, so that will be nice. Then my friend Elementary Schoolteacher is coming over to watch the two older girls tonight so DH and I (and Baby E) can go to a concert. We're celebrating my birthday a day early and hope to have time for dinner out as well.

Tomorrow our friend Morning is coming over and we're putting up Christmas decorations (yes, I know we're a little late on that). Friday and Saturday we'll have family gatherings at BIL and SIL's house, and Sunday and Monday more family gatherings at our house.

Merry Christmas and happy holidays, everyone!


Blogger Liz Miller said...

Our decorations will be going up on Saturday.

3:38 PM  
Blogger Running2Ks said...

Baby E is just a sunshine! What a day brightener :)

5:30 PM  
Blogger CalvaryGirl said...

I could squeeze those cheeks. By looking at her picture, it looks like chapped skin to me, A. Hannah and Jackson's mouths get like that a lot because they tend to stick their whole lips in their mouth, to down below the lip, which causes the chapping below the lipline. Currently Hannah has that on top and bottom. We started the satan lips treatment today, I just need to remember to be consistent with it- it worked like a charm last year! :)

8:12 PM  
Blogger purple_kangaroo said...

Liz, I'm so glad to know I'm not the only one who hasn't put them up yet. Is it tradition for you to do them Christmas Eve? I didn't grow up celebrating Christmas, so I'm not sure I know what "normal" is.

R2Ks, that she is! Even when she's fussy she still smiles often. Rather amazing.

Wendy, I hadn't thought of chapping. But that may be it.

We had raspberry smoothies the other day, and MM got some below her mouth. It was late when we got home and we forgot to wipe her face, and by the next morning she had the rash under the smoothie on her face. So it may have been chapping or irritation from it sitting on her skin for so long.

I think I'll try putting some lanolin on it--thanks!

11:52 PM  
Blogger Sparrow said...

That second pic of Baby E is soooo cute!

Hopefully MM did just get chapped lips... It did make me wonder though, since you and I and AJ are both alergic to milk and I am allergic to raspberries... ;-)

7:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi read your whine over at phantom's place

about the food for the little one E - and isn't she gorgeous

I think you can wait a long time yet, there IS not any hurry

most bablies can cope with mashed up potoatoes (mix with water if you don't have enough expressed milk) the same with cauliflower (though she'll have smelly gas) and later on carrots.

I didn't even start to wean until 6 months - and then tiny amounts - I used to use ice cube trays to freeze the food - easy to take out and give later.

if she reacted to rice she's probably too young - it's unlikely to be a real allergy, so just wait

but you probably know all this already.

Our kids are soon 16 and 14 and nowadays eat most everything, though DD is allergic to fish and not keen on meat or even chicken.


8:30 AM  
Blogger purple_kangaroo said...

I hope so too, Amy!

Lorna, welcome to my blog and thanks for the suggestions. I am going to just wait a few months to try her on solids again--I think I'll try to wait as long as I can.

12:38 PM  

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