Decluttering and dancing animals

The girls are dancing around the family room to music as I type. They love to dress up, and it's an easy way to keep them entertained (and the baby, too--she loves watching).

DH and I got a lot of work done around the house yesterday. The living and dining room areas, since we rarely use them, had once again become a staging area for clutter. An hour or two of hard work later, I feel like I can breathe walking through them. We've done a lot of picking up and vaccuuming in other parts of the house over the past week or so, too.
This morning I set the timer and spent 15 minutes working on our room and more working on laundry. This afternoon I plan to work downstairs.
I'm packing up boxes and bags to throw away, give away, sell and put away. It's starting to feel much less cluttery to me. I woke up this morning feeling eager to get downstairs and back to work, and looking forward to walking into the rooms and seeing how much progress we've already made. Such a great feeling!
The kids are enjoying the extra space, too. DH packed up most of their toys into storage bins, and they like having more room to play and fewer toys to choose from. AJ came up with the idea, all on her own, to give some of their toys to kids who don't have very many. So we're going to be sorting through their toys and thinning them out, and then we'll take some down to the rescue mission in our town for the kids there.

The girls are precious! They appear to be having so much fun.
As for the clutter, I agree, I simply feel happier when things are picked up. I always feel good when I get rid of things that we really don't need or use.
I love the costumes! They are too cute!
Those kids are just amazing. Adorable. I love a zen house.
Declutter does make one feel better, doesn't it? I can vaguely remember how it feels... ;-)
The girls look like they are having so much fun!!!
Thanks, everyone!
Um, probably a dumb question, R2Ks, but what exactly is a zen house? I thought it had something to do with furniture arrangement?
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