
Baby E was 4 months old yesterday. The outfit she's wearing is supposedly a size 12 months. Well, I did have to roll up the cuffs on the pants.

She really likes to play in the exersaucer, which is a good thing because today I'm getting the house ready to host a baby shower. We went to the early service at church this morning, and the baby shower (for a friend from church) is this afternoon. I did get some vaccuuming and decluttering done over the last few days, but still have quite a lot to do. Other people are taking care of the food, decorations, etc. so all I have to provide is the house. :)
She's a toddler! Stop growing up, baby!
Oh, she's adorable!
I remember those exersaucer days... My youngest was a big fan of the Johnny Jump Up thing that hangs in a doorway. I used to be so smug: "Gosh, having 3 kids is actually easier than just 2" because the baby was so easy to keep entertained.
The block knocking is adorable, too. Isn't it great when they come up with games like that on their own?
Wow- look at that grin!!!!! :)
how cute! My little one loved her excersaucer, until she learned to crawl.
She is so cute! I cannot believe how big she is getting and so quickly. Baby H is still wearing 18 months clothing (at 22 mos), so Baby E will probably catch up to her soon.
No matter how long I keep trying to chase some special feeling about beauty in my paintings, all it takes is a look at a child as wondrous as yours; Then I quit!
E is..............oops! Words won't do it either. Nope not even these.
Have a great day!.....Unless you have something else planned! ( last time I say that...promise. )
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Thanks, everyone! Baby E is a lot of fun to take pictures of. I've set myself a somewhat arbitrary deadline of when she starts walking as the point at which I'll stop posting recognizable face pictures of her.
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