Saturday, January 14, 2006

My Husband the Hero

Yesterday I was so.tired. I could barely keep my head up or formulate a sentence.

Baby E did not nap once all day [unless you count dozing off for 10-minute naps while nursing]. Her diaper rash was bothering her, and she was fussy. Toward late morning, she got happy again for an hour or two. Then I ate another food that bothered her, and her discomfort started all over again. Scratch the newly-introduced hazelnuts from the diet. At least that one was easy to pinpoint, because the glass of hazelnut milk was all I'd consumed that morning before she started having a reaction.


DH had given MM milk for breakfast, and she was in fine form--whining, crying, complaining about hurting and being tired. I don't know whether the milk had anything to do with it or not, but now I'm even more determined to try cutting it out of her diet. Being grouchy is one thing, but the random aches and pains concern me. I plan to make an appointment with her pediatrician about it, too.

Both girls were tired and whiny, which turned everything into a big deal. One or the other of them would collapse in a crying, screaming, whining, tantrum-y heap with very little provocation.

"AJ pushed me off the stool! MM washed her hands first! She always wants to go first! She hates taking turns! I want to go first all the time, I don't want her to go first! AJ took my special blankie and she's sitting on it and won't give it back! MM needs to share! Carry me! I can't walk; my legs hurt! Mommy, I want to sit in your lap--make the baby move! AJ is playing the computer game first! MM is walking ahead of me down the hall! AJ turned on the light! I wanted to turn on the light! MM got in her chair for lunch before I got in mine! I want to get in my chair first because I think I'm the fastest, and she got in hers first, waaah! AJ pushed me off the stool and I hurt my leg! MM won't share all the toys . . . she never wants to share . . . she HATES sharing! I want her to share everything (because I want to play with it and not let her have it)! AJ keeps grabbing toys from me! That's my toy I got for Christmas--you play with your own. MM won't share! She has to share everything. I don't like that music! I don't want any music, turn it off! Not that book, the other one! I don't like this food--I want milk!Boo-hoo! Waaa! Waa! Boo-hoo-hoo!"

"Stop pushing and grabbing from each other. It doesn't matter who goes first. NO she doesn't have to share that toy--you have your own toy like that and your own special blanket--STOP taking hers! GIRLS, STOP FIGHTING RIGHT NOW, and NO MORE TANTRUMS!"

A friend came over with her newborn and 18-month-old, and we hung out and were tired together. :)

Both girls are generally quite good at sharing with guests, but not this time. Every time our little guest touched something they would get upset and not want her to play with it. MM followed her around "protecting" all the toys, and AJ disappeared to play by herself in the other room.

I had thought it would be a nice distraction and help the girls' mood to have someone new to play with, but I ended up spending most of the time trying to get them to share and play nicely with the little girl. Not quite the happy, fun playdate I had hoped for.

DH got home from work early, visited a bit, and loaded a double jogging stroller we didn't need any more into my friend's car. Then, as she drove away, he stopped me in the living room.

"Tonight," he said, looking intent, "I really want to . . . " [At this point I was thinking, Oh, no! He has some big goals for tonight like updating our financial records or doing something romantic together, and all I want to do is lie down and cry.]

Then he finished his sentence: " . . . do whatever I can to make the evening relaxing for you." I stared at him, trying to register what he was saying, as he continued: "I'm going to fix dinner and take care of the kids, and you can go to bed right away if you want. I can bring the baby to you when she gets hungry and then take her away again."

I almost could have kissed his feet, but I just hugged him and thanked him.

My husband; my hero.

I went upstairs to lie down, and he brought me dinner in bed. I was asleep by 7. Which was a very good thing, because Baby E was awake somewhere between 6 and 8 times [I lost count] between 8 p.m. and 9 a.m., including waking at midnight ready to play for a couple of hours.


Blogger Phantom Scribbler said...

Oh, PK. I wanted to cry just reading that last sentence. I'm so glad DH was a hero, but I really, really hope you can get some more sleep tonight.

3:15 PM  
Blogger Liz Miller said...

WHat PS & Michelle said.

Big hugs.

8:49 PM  
Blogger Sparrow said...

So glad DH came to the rescue! :-)

1:26 PM  
Blogger Running2Ks said...

What a fantastic fella you have there!

2:35 PM  
Blogger purple_kangaroo said...

Well, Baby E still isn't sleeping a whole lot but I'm going to try giving her solids right before bed tonight. :)

4:59 PM  

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