Saturday, February 18, 2006

Powdered Glass

I attempted to do some cleaning and decluttering in the office today. As I was stacking dirty dishes to carry downstairs, I dropped a mug onto the pile of dishes in my lap, and a glass broke.

I've never seen glass shatter into such tiny pieces before. It is pulverized into a powder. Even after washing my hands what I thought was thoroughly, I was still finding bits of it on them later. Some of the pieces are too small to see but still big enough to cut, as I discovered.

My clothes, the (upholstered) chair I was sitting in, the carpet, and the clutter in the surrounding area are covered with glass shards the size of grains of sand. Most of it was in my lap and down my front. I was trying to gather the bigger shards with my hands, but the tiny bits kept sticking in my fingers.

I'm thinking I might just throw the shirt and torn jeans away rather than risking so many tiny bits of glass in the washing machine. But what about the upholstery on the chair, and the carpet? How am I ever going to get all the glass out of them?

I'm just glad nobody else was in the room. I can only imagine if the baby had been on the floor next to me, getting showered with broken glass.

Update here.


Blogger Sparrow said...

Soooo glad none of the girls were close by. I hope you can get it cleaned safely up...

9:45 PM  
Blogger purple_kangaroo said...

Me too! The shop vac worked very well to clean it up.

4:09 PM  

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