Sunday, May 14, 2006

Mother's Day 2006, and a note about blog traffic

Happy Mother's Day to all, especially to my mom. I love you, Mom, and I'm so thankful for your example and influence in my life.

Special warm thoughts also to those who are mothers at heart or in actuality, but--whether through loss, infertility, or other life circumstances--are empty-armed today. My prayers for peace and comfort are with you all on this day.

DH was on the worship team today. Between waking up late, trying to comb out the jam-filled rat's nest of tangles in AJ's hair (it really is time to bump up the baths to every night instead of every few days), and the fact that DH had one of the car seats in his car, we girls didn't make it to church.

But DH and the girls made a lovely dinner for me after a relaxing afternoon at home.


I don't know what's going on with the kids, but none of the three (and therefore nobody in the house) slept much at all last night. We were up what seemed like 20 or 30 times with one or another of them. Baby E is either cutting a tooth or getting sick, and also having a growth spurt, I think.

Baby E refused to nap at all today, except the time she fell asleep for a few minutes in my arms and the time I managed to get her asleep in the crib for 5 minutes before MM went running into her room and woke her up. She fussed and whimpered off and on all day, and panicked if I so much as tried to hand her off to DH. He said that she wanted to make sure she didn't miss a moment of being with Mommy on Mother's Day. How sweet. Yeah.

She did look at me several times and call me "momm", which was of course heart-melting. She's regularly saying mama or mom to refer to me and dada or dad to refer to her daddy. I think I need to firmly inform her that she's not allowed to skip the mama and mommy stages and go straight to calling me mom, though--I'm not sure I can handle her growing up that fast.

She ate so much today that I almost literally couldn't feed her enough food fast enough. She nursed, ate solids, nursed some more, ate baby food, cereal, white rice, melon, more baby food and cereal, drank water, nursed, and repeated the cycle all day long. She hasn't really gained any weight since she started crawling, so apparently she's about to make up for it now.

My older girls were so absolutely sweet today. They were so excited about cooking me dinner to celebrate Mother's Day. They paged through the cookbook and picked out a recipe, then AJ read the instructions while DH helped them make a sweet and sour pineapple chicken stir-fry. It was delicious. I wish the batteries in the camera were working so I could have a photo of the absolute pride and delight on their faces. They were glowing.

We played a Raggedy Ann game similar to CandyLand after dinner, and I noticed how much better they've gotten at understanding the rules and keeping their attention on the game lately. We really had a good time.

Now all three kids are asleep and DH and I hope to follow suit shortly. Hopefully they'll all actually stay asleep tonight.

OH, BTW--I edited the potty training post to take out some keywords that were bringing some very unsettling search terms to my blog. Well, actually, what was really unsettling is that people searching for those particular search terms actually clicked through and lingered on a post about potty training children. Ugh, ugh. Makes me want to take every photo of my kids off the blog immediately.

Speaking of photos, my self-imposed and rather arbitrary limit was that I'd stop posting recognizable face pictures of Baby E (as I avoid doing with the older kids) on the blog when she started walking. That may be happening soon, at the rate she's going. Or it may happen sooner, depending on what happens with visitors after my changing the keywords in that post; we'll see.

I was reconsidering that whole not-posting-recognizable-photos thing, but the number of people finding my blog using adult-oriented terms in the last few days has reinforced my decision.

Sometimes I'm not sure if this tracking software is a blessing or a curse.


Blogger Heather said...

Ewwww, creepy PK! That stinks big time for you and friends. I guess there's always e-mail for those you want to see the pics.

Ugghh....internet creeps...

6:39 AM  
Blogger Phantom Scribbler said...

Ugh, ugh, ugh. I'm sorry for the icky internet searches. But I guess that it's better to know that they're out there, and make photo decisions accordingly, than to go in blithe ignorance.

I wonder if those searchers would crawl back into their holes if they knew that we could see their IP address.

6:45 AM  
Blogger Julie said...


I've had a similar problem with one of my posts. Gives me the creeps.

9:18 AM  
Blogger Kevin said...

I'm a bit late but Happy Mother's Day! :)

It is very disturbing who is finding your page through search engines. At least they're not smart enough to hide their referrer and (maybe) their actual IP.

I'm new to how Blogger works, but you also might be able to exclude some search engine spiders (robots) from indexing a page (and/or following links on the page) by using a meta tag:


Google should respect it, but I'm not sure how many other search engines do. You could also use a robots.txt file, though I'm not sure that is feasible with Blogger. Some search engines (e.g. Google) also have a way to request removal of a page from its index.

In any case, this seems like a reasonable request for personal blogs, and I would suspect that Blogger tech support should have some answer to it.

9:33 AM  

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