Saturday, September 02, 2006

Blogging Blues

The past couple of weeks have been mostly uneventful. Lots of little things . . . chiropractor appointments, shopping trips, much meal preparation and housekeeping, a little bird trapped in our van (we did manage to get it out), conversations with the kids, illness, a teething baby . . . that sort of thing.

I haven't had the time or energy to write the thoughtful and involved posts I'd like to write, and I don't have the motivation to write a lot of little inane posts at this time. I'm not sure the rambling journals of "what we did today, what I cooked, what I learned about food allergies and what my plans are for tomorrow" are interesting to anyone but myself, and lately they haven't seemed interesting even to me.

We're planning to start school soon, but I'm not even close to ready for that. This past month's changes in diet and lifestyle have pretty much taken over our lives and left few resources for anything else.

Right now I need to focus time and energy on finishing a couple of graphic design projects--a business card for my dad and a logo for my mom--and getting ready to start homeschooling. Then it's full-bore into school.

I had really hoped to have some organizing and decluttering done before we started school; it would make things so much easier if we could find things and if we had more usable space in our home without constantly tripping over things. But I've given up on that idea. If I wait until I have the house under control we will never get started with school. I'll just have to content myself with small, gradual, and hopefully relatively consistent progress.

I expect that once the girls and I get into a school routine, I may be able to fit more blogging back in. Maybe I'll even be able to come out with something interesting or insightful once in awhile (but don't hold your breath).

There is one post I really want to write, sparked by a discussion on someone else's blog. I started writing it about a week ago and then it sort of fizzled, but another event has added to the motivation to write about it. So we'll see if I get to finishing that.

Right now I'm just tired, not feeling well, and very busy. I'm feeling a bit like a hamster running crazily on an electric wheel that won't stop turning. I don't really feel like writing much. It's not just writing, either--I'm pretty burned out with just the basic childcare, allergy research, doctor and chiropractor appointments, meal preparation, and trying to catch up on the ever-getting-away-from-me housework. I'm having trouble doing anything that requires much mental energy lately.

I did finally break into the meals I froze a few weeks ago and had been saving for "when I really need them." Those are so nice to have. Those days that it's so tempting to go out to eat, it's helpful to know that there's a fully-prepared meal waiting at home in the freezer just needing to be heated and served.

I expect the lull in blogging is temporary--I usually can't not write for long. But, for now, I am being gentle with myself and not pushing myself to come up with something to write just to be able to say I posted something each day.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I always enjoy your posts - even more than the online news which says a lot considering that we don't have a TV! Your day to day thoughts and activities give me confidence that I'm on the right track even though I really don't get out much. Colleen

5:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The blogging blues are going around town these days, aren't they? Sympathy and hugs. I hope the tired, not-feeling-well part gets better soon. And until your motivation to write returns, know that we are thinking about you, whether you are blogging daily or not!

6:24 PM  
Blogger Becci said...

I can relate to not having anything to blog about (or at least not having the motivation). Hopefully after Dorothy comes we can get together once in a while to make things a bit more interesting for the both of us! (uh-huh. still waiting for her.)

4:59 AM  
Blogger Dani said...

Even though I don't comment as regularly as others do, I enjoy reading your day-to-day posts.

Keep rambling. I'll be reading. :)

10:53 AM  
Blogger Dani said...

Hi (again) PK!

I thought this might interest you and your readers:

1:21 PM  
Blogger Heather said...

I hear ya PK....

Though mine's not because I don't have anything to say - it's because my family actually wants to see me again, now that I'm rid of the homeless count frustrations that were my blog fodder all last month!

It's nice to regroup.

1:15 PM  
Blogger purple_kangaroo said...

Thanks, everyone. I'll probably write a post soon, but it's nice to give myself permission to step back a bit.

11:14 PM  
Blogger Deborah White said...

We all feel like that at the end of the summer, just before the children return to school.

Much as I love my family, in some ways, I could hardly bear Labor Day weekend.

It's about having space for ourselves to think, pray and relax. I, too was exhausted, but am starting to get back that contented balance of life and moderation.

God bless!

8:07 AM  

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