Monday, October 02, 2006

Power, Love and a Sound Mind

I'm going to have to make this post quick, because I'm really trying to make myself get to bed earlier. It's going to be a bit rambly, I'm afraid.

It's so much fun to watch the girls learning and growing. AJ is helping M&M with her reading quite a bit now, and doing a great job with it. M&M will read to AJ, and AJ is getting pretty good about letting M&M work at sounding out the words and waiting until M&M asks for help before reading them for her.

I'm thinking about hiring a kid to come and play with the girls a couple of times a week for the next few weeks to try to get the house under control, do some decluttering and get ready to list the Cavalli auction and a few other things on eBay. I think it would help a lot to just have a few hours to work on it while someone else was watching the kids.

This morning I finally took a few minutes to look at the test results from the blood tests the allergist ran. I've had them for a week or two now, but just hadn't taken the time to open the envelope and look them over.


The celiac panel results didn't look like to me like anything to be concerned about. The one number that's in the "equivocal" range is on the low end of equivocal, and is a number that can be elevated for various reasons, including other intestinal issues such as IBS.

The one result that made me sit up and take notice, though, was the creatinine level. It had gone up two tenths of a point since my last draw, to 0.9. That was quite unexpected, since it's been at a steady 0.7 for years every time I had it tested.

Creatinine level is inversely related to kidney function, meaning when creatinine goes up your kidney function has gone down. It's still well within the normal range, but it's something we'll definitely want to keep an eye on. At this point I imagine they'll want to run a few tests to check for protein spillage and that sort of thing, but probably it won't be anything to be too concerned about.

I had promised DH that if I continued losing weight and got down to 105 lbs. or lower I would call and make a doctor's appointment. I'd already reached that point and called the doctor last week anyway. So I have an appointment next month and I'll be able to discuss the kidney function issue with my doctor.

With hereditary kidney disease in the family (my mother and several of her cousins, my grandfather and all his siblings, and probably at least my great-grandmother have all had kidney failure), it's definitely not something to ignore.

Thankfully, I was able to talk to my mom and she reassured me that some fluctuation can be normal. Something as simple as dehydration can make it go up a bit. So I'm not as worried as I was at first. As long as it's just a fluctuation and not a long-term trend, it's not necessarily a sign of kidney failure.

I've been remembering and praying 2 Timothy 1:7 a lot lately: "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll keep you in my prayers. Meanwhile, I assume you've already found this group? Or their online version, at least?

11:41 AM  
Blogger purple_kangaroo said...

Thanks, Jane Dark. Yes, I have joined that group and several other allergy support groups online. There's a similar group that has IRL meetings somewhat near me, and I might try attending a meeting.

I really appreciate your prayers. Thanks.

4:51 PM  

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