Friday, December 01, 2006

Train Track Masterpiece

Well, I'm sitting here holding a sort-of-sleeping baby who won't let me move.

She finally fell asleep late this afternoon after I gave up and just put her in her crib and let her scream for a long time. I knew she needed the nap, and I desperately needed a break from her. My holding her wasn't helping much anyway.

She fell asleep eventually, but woke up crying after a little while and then dozed off again when I picked her up. This is very typical for her in an orange or red level.


She has her eyes closed, but she's got a firm grip on my arm and fusses occasionally even if I don't move. If I try to lay her down I know she'll immediately start crying. The reflux theory really would make a lot of sense considering that some days she'll doze off only if she's in a semi-upright position.

AJ and M&M are happily occupied playing a computer game, so I have a few minutes of relative quiet.

Baby E didn't actually cry all day . . . she was mostly distractable for short periods if something really interesting was going on. So the four of us built the most fantabulous train track setup in the history of the world. Or at least in the history of our household. It was even better than this one.

AJ, M&M and I built the setup while Baby E tried to tear it apart or "drove" trains around making "brrrmm, brrrmmm" noises.

We actually fit 4 loops onto our little train table by utilizing blocks and the raised edge of the table to make a second level. If I can figure out what DH did with the camera I'll try to post a picture later.

We're just short ONE curvy piece to make the last loop connect. I wonder if DH will think I'm crazy if I tell him I want to buy more wooden train track this weekend. We absolutely must complete the masterpiece. Yes, of course I'm crazy--but this is important!

Oops, fussy baby is awake in earnest now. And I need to figure out what we're having for dinner.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry Baby E is still not feeling well today but that is good she was feeling well enough to "help" with the train track though! I hope she starts feeling better soon for both of your sakes. Oh and I totally understand the need to get the new wooden peices this weekend I am the same way.

12:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So sorry Baby E isn't feeling well. And more sorry that her feeling unwell may complicate further her already complicated testing schedule.

I can't wait to see the train track!!!

Suggestion for Baby E's sleeping comfort, her infant car seat. It will keep her in a semi-upright position, and you can put it in her crib. A past co-worker of mine used theirs that way when their daughter had whooping cough.

Hugs and lots of supportive and healthy-making thoughts.

1:23 PM  
Blogger purple_kangaroo said...

Thanks, my4kids and Liz.

Liz, we no longer have the infant carrier/carseat, but I could probably put her in the angled infant "bouncy seat" in her crib. Maybe I'll try that.

1:45 PM  

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