Friday, January 05, 2007

Clean Catch

Well, I was in bed by 12:30 last night and asleep before 1, so that was a definite improvement. But Baby E woke up at 5 a.m. and, since I stuck to my guns on the no milk until morning idea, she didn't go back to sleep until well after 6:30.

She did use the potty twice during that time, and ended up keeping her diaper dry all night.

By the time I got myself back to bed, it was so close to time to get up that I had trouble going back to sleep. I may have dozed off for a little while. So much for getting more than 5 hours of sleep. :)

I got up and cooked a big breakfast of waffles, chicken and pumpkin pie. Baby E can't eat anything for 6 hours before her procedure at 3, so I wanted to make sure she had something substantial.

It worked well. I took her out of the highchair right at 9, just as she was saying "all done."

Since DH took her potty right after she got up (diaper still dry!), I was able to catch a clean stool sample when she asked to use the potty after breakfast. That was the easiest one we've collected yet.

It's funny when something like a clean catch of a stool sample makes your day.

Now Baby E is taking a nap and AJ and M&M are both resting. Everyone sleeps more with sickness in the house.

DH is going to come home this afternoon and watch the two older girls while I take Baby E in for her procedure.

I'm going to try to get a brief nap so I won't be quite so sleep-deprived for the long drive to the children's hospital in a few hours.

Oh, except that I just realized I should probably wake her up and nurse her since she can't have liquids after 12, and it's almost 11:30 now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thinking of you and Baby E.

Hooray for a clean catch! Maybe you both can take a nap when you get back from the procedure.

12:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How'd it go?

5:09 PM  

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