Thursday, January 04, 2007


I didn't get all my goals completed for today (yesterday now, I guess).

But here's what I did do:

Got the kids up, dressed and fed, had them do their chores, admired their play and ran interference in their arguments.

Brought DH food and checked to see if he needed anything off and on throughout the day.

Took a shower. To accomplish this I ended up having to put Baby E in her crib, awake, with some toys. She cried, but not for long. She never did really take a nap today.

Called the Children's Hospital to schedule Baby E's next few procedures.

Nursed Baby E ten gazillion times. One of her new teeth has broken through the skin, and 7 more are working on it--eyeteeth and premolars on both sides, top and bottom. Apparently nursing is soothing to the teeth, so if she had her way she'd nurse about 20 hours a day, it seems. Yes, that's an exaggeration, but that's what it feels like.

Fed everyone leftover squash casserole and freshly peeled/sliced pears for lunch.

Responded to a couple of e-mails and did some allergen research while nursing Baby E.

Clipped M&M's fingernails.

Took out the garbage and recycling while AJ followed me around putting fresh bags in the trash cans.

Put the chicken in the oven to bake while I took the kids to the little gluten-free store across town. Bought free-range duck eggs to try, from birds that are not fed soy. Bought several necessities. Forgot to buy rice and rice milk.

Did not make it to the other two stores. (Neither of which offers delivery, Liz. I think ordering online would be a good idea if I can find someplace that has enough things we can eat to make it worthwhile.)

Fed the family dinner.

Put the older two girls to bed fully dressed without doing any of their chores, something I've never done before. They still hadn't started getting ready for bed 45 minutes and many reminders after I told them it was bedtime, and I ran out of energy and patience.

Read two books to Baby E when I was putting her to bed.

Did not read to or do any activities with the kids other than that. That's my real regret of the day. That, and my impatience with the kids.

Washed the sheets and blankets on our bed, made up the bed with fresh bedding, and asked DH to sleep in the playroom tonight. He doesn't have dust mite allergies.

(DH is still quite sick, by the way. He manages to get from the bed to the computer to the sofa and TV, but that's about it.)

Ran two loads of dishes and cleaned up most of the kitchen. Bleached the kitchen sink.

Washed the silverware tray and the frying pan, and wiped down a laundry basket.

Baked two crustless pumpkin pies, one with psyllium seed and brown rice syrup and one with eggs and honey. (I didn't like the way the first turned out, so I tweaked the recipe and tried again.)

Since we are mostly out of fruits and vegetables, pumpkin pie will be our vegetable for at least one or two meals tomorrow.

Cleaned out the refrigerator just enough to accommodate two pies.

Ran two loads of laundry. Folded and put away one load.

Vacuumed about half of the downstairs.

Gathered up several weeks' worth of garbage and recycling from the garage, filled the cans and bins, and took it all down to the curb for trash collection first thing in the morning. (Ugh, I forgot the first truck usually comes around 6 or 7 a.m. so the kids will be awake earlier than usual.)

Sat down to gather myself together for a couple of minutes before I attempt to find some clean pajamas and get myself ready for bed.

Now it's after 4 a.m. and I'm going to bed. I really need to work harder at getting things accomplished during the day so I'm not having to stay up for hours after the kids go to bed, just trying to finish the bare minimum before I can go to bed. Of course, getting Baby E to go to sleep more before midnight would help too.

Good night.


Blogger Miranda said...

Wow, you were so busy yesterday. I hope you can get a break - if only for a few hours - to recharge your batteries. Usually, when I start getting short with my children, it is because I need to get out of the house and away for a bit.

Hope your husband feels better soon. That alone would be a huge relief for you, I would imagine.

6:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pumpkin pie makes an excellent vegetable, I think. In earlier days apple pie was considered to make a good supper on New England hardscrabble farms in winter.

6:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What PS said about pumpkin pie. Heck, you wouldn't feel bad about serving them spinach pie, right?

I can't believe all the stuff you got done. You are really amazing.

Re: the girls procrastinating over bedtime, I've been finding that using a timer has really helped get MM on the ball around doing things. I either set the timer to let him know how much longer he has to play, or I set it to let him know when he has to have something done (like jammies or teeth) or he'll lose story- or play-time.

Big hugs.

8:30 AM  
Blogger purple_kangaroo said...

Miranda, it would be nice to get a break. Hopefully that can happen soon.

Phantom and Liz, I agree. Especially when it's sweetened with a small amount of honey or brown rice syrup, pumpkin pie with no crust has got to be pretty healthy.

I still feel like I'm taking 1 step forward and 2 steps back with the housework, though. It would help a lot if I could get to the point where all I needed to do was basic maintenance instead of digging myself out from a pile of things that have been building up for a year or more.

11:13 PM  

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