Friday, January 19, 2007


Still sick. I thought we were all getting better yesterday, but after lunch AJ and I started feeling pretty bad again, and in the afternoon and evening Baby E was tired and fussy again too.

It seems that what we've had is not two separate illnesses. My mom told me that there's a version of Norovirus going around that starts out like a respiratory influenza, then moves to intestinal symptoms. Supposedly it's long-lasting (2 weeks?) and then it's still contagious for three days after you get well.

I'm pretty sure that's what we have, though the GI part didn't hit us as hard. Poor Morning caught it from us and she has had the same symptoms we have.

It's been more than a week now and I'm still completely wiped out and sick. Now I think I may be getting an ear infection too, although it's hard to tell whether the pain is actually in my ear, jaw, glands or some combination.

The kids do seem to be feeling better today, though Baby E is still a bit tired & fussy.

I'll be glad when this bug is over.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My friend MakesLovelyJewelry had the same bug. I hope you are all feeling better soon.

5:29 PM  
Blogger purple_kangaroo said...

Thanks, Liz.

11:10 PM  

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