Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Past my bedtime

Thanks so much for all the comments and suggestions. I'm so far behind on replying to comments right now.

I did manage to get most of the oil out of my hair. I rubbed about a cup of baking soda into it. Rather telling that all but about a tablespoon actually clung to my hair until I rinsed it out. I washed it three times with two different soapes, then followed with an apple cider vinegar rinse (but didn't leave it in since E reacts to apples)

Baby E got through the day with no reactions, and the kids were much more manageable today.

I think I figured out Baby E's wheezing. I noticed that her reflux was far worse than usual both times she had reactions, and she woke up sounding congested, wheezing, coughing/choking, etc. the next morning. Once she'd been up for a while she was fine. This has happened several times, always at the same time as a rash and other food reaction symptoms.

I'll bet the reflux made her congested and was possibly giving her fluid in her bronchial tubes and/or lungs. Given the timing, that makes much more sense than that it would be a direct reaction from something she ate.

We're being given a large backyard play structure by some friends who are moving. The kids and I are so excited about that. Morning and I spent much of the day attempting to stake out the location in the back yard.

It's going to be a challenge to get it positioned right to fit. We'll have to take off one element and not use it, I think, but it will still be a fabulous swingset without it.

The biggest challenge is going to be trying to carve out a large enough flat spot in our sloped yard before it arrives tomorrow. I'll be out there with a shovel and a level, bright and early.



Blogger Liz Miller said...

Hugs. Many hugs.

4:25 AM  

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