Friday, April 06, 2007

What I did this week

  • Learned that some brands of barkdust (mulch) contain corn gluten.

  • Planned out how and where to build the front part of the fence (so the backyard will actually be enclosed enough to keep the kids inside). Had an appointment with a handyman to get a bid on having him build the fence.

  • Mapped out my garden (4 raised beds, 4' x 10' each). Then decided raised beds would probably be too expensive for this year and we'd better just till the area and leave it at that. Maybe we can do raised beds next year when we're not building a fence.

  • Dug the hole for the end of the slide, set up the slide and steps for the play structure, and helped DH screw them on.

  • Mowed the lawn for the first time this season.

  • Bought and laid out edging for the front flower beds.

  • Bought and planted some flowers.

  • Bought some seeds and seedlings for the garden, but didn't plant them yet.

  • Got a cute monkey backpack "leash" for Baby E. She hates it, but is beginning to get used to it after a few shopping trips. Since she often adamantly refuses to ride in the cart, be carried, hold my hand or stay close to me in the store, the leash is very helpful.

  • Visited with my sister and three friends (not all at the same time).

  • Got Baby E on a schedule which involves being asleep by 8:30 or 9 PM and sleeping until around 7AM most nights--hooray, hooray!

  • Took M&M on an outing, went on a date with my husband, and spent some time relaxing at home with DH.

  • Sent AJ with Aunt Sparrow for an evening of learning how to scrapbook.

  • Cooked lots of meals. Developed some new recipes.

  • Made headway on laundry and housework.

  • Researched and wrote posts on Passover food and the debate over defining marriage.

  • Did minimal homeschooling. We'll do better next week. We did do Bible and at least two other subjects (handwriting, math or science/history) more days than not.

  • Let AJ and M&M make their own peanut butter sandwiches for lunch most days.

  • Had a marathon day of grocery shopping today.

  • Learned that a great way to keep AJ and M&M happy during grocery shopping trips is to let them pick out produce and put it in the cart. Also, getting an extra small cart and letting them push it is not only fun for them, but helpful to me.

  • Was absolutely dead-tired by the end of each day.

  • Frequently entertained thoughts such as, "Life is good. I am content."



Blogger Liz Miller said...

I'm exhausted just reading about it!

3:29 PM  
Blogger Liz Miller said...

I'm afraid I just ranted at an anonymous poster on the issue of homosexual unions. Feel free to ask me to tone it down if I went a little too medieval on his or her hienie. Thank you.

6:08 PM  
Blogger KLee said...

I backed Liz up on the homosexual union thread, and I don't think you sounded rant-y, Liz. I thought you sounded very well thought-out, and perfectly polite.

P-K, I'm tired from just READING all that you've gotten done lately! Makes me feel like even more of a schlump, because I did nada all week while we were on vacation. Of course, I was sick, and spent the week hacking my lungs up, but still. I could have found the time to do *something!*

7:58 PM  
Blogger purple_kangaroo said...

Liz, I read your post and laughed out loud at your calling it a "rant". Your tone was perfectly mild and polite, and you addressed the issue under discussion without making personal attacks. Bring it on!

Klee, thanks for adding to the discussion also.

Don't feel like a schlump. Vacation is for relaxing, especially when you're sick! Rest is important too, and is something I give far too low a priority in my life.

8:04 PM  
Blogger Liz Miller said...

Sigh. I posted again on marriage. Would have liked to address MammasBoy, but where to start?? So I went with good old Anonymous. I had to edit it quite a bit because I kept using an expression for being in an unfortunate situation that I thought would not argue well for my position.

Ah well.

Thank you, PK for creating the forum.

7:22 PM  

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