Saturday, May 19, 2007


I'm feeling quite a bit better this morning after a good night's sleep on clean bedding. I ended up going to bed without doing much besides putting food away, taking a shower, washing my bedding (there was barely enough soap for one more load), wiping down the allergen cover on the mattress, loading the dishwasher, cleaning the potty chair and the toilet, getting meat out to thaw for the next few days, baking the rest of the cookie dough that was taking up more than its fair share of space in the refrigerator, restocking the toilet paper in the bathroom, and making the bed.

I ended up sleeping with no blankets (because the blankets were still in the wash), but the clean pillows and sheets made a huge difference. Even my swollen eye was much better this morning. I'm still sick and tired, but functional. I'm feeling much better.

Baby E just came to me, wanting "ilk," and as I picked her up I said, "Hi, cutie-pie."

She frowned at me and said, "No. E." It was the first time she'd really said her own name recognizably. It's rather long and difficult to say, for a toddler. I wish I could transcribe her rendition of it, but it's awfully cute. She works so hard to wrap her little tongue around all the sounds and syllables.

We just called my mom and left a message on my mom's voice mail. Baby E said (with some prompting), "Ello, Mamaw. Zis E. Phone. I wuv oo. Buh-bye."

Morning and I are supposed to go do something fun together today. It's something we've been planning for at least a month, and have already had to postpone once, so I think I'll at least go and see how long I can stay before I run out of energy. I'll try to get a few more things on the to-do list done first.



Blogger Amy said...

So glad you're feeling better! Amazing what a good night's sleep will do for you, isn't it?

For the record, you listed "just" what you did and I think that's an awful lot! Way more than I'm willing to do when I'm sick. :)

My daughter has also learned her own name in the past few months. She hasn't yet figured out that everybody has a different name. When we ask what her name is, she'll tell us. When we point to someone else and ask for their name, she tells us her name again.

4:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I loved the voice mail from Baby E!! So cute. Give her a hug from Grandma for me.

I didn't get it until last night and then your blog wouldn't post for me.

8:08 PM  

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