Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Baby E's virus or whatever it was turned out to be no big deal. She had frequent, severe watery diarrhea for just over 24 hours and then she was fine.

I'm still having to limit the amount of fiber, fruit, etc. she's getting, and make sure she's getting a little extra salt, but other than things being a little soft she's pretty much back to normal.

It makes me feel really good that her immune system is strong enough to take a bug that was lasting a week or two for other kids and make it a non-issue within a day, as long as we fed her sensibly.

She has had a few reactions from accidental exposure to citric acid the last week or two, but they were limited to GI discomfort, behavioral and sleep issues--no rashes or potentially dangerous symptoms. We are using renewed caution about exposure.

Baby E has an appointment with the allergist in a couple of weeks. I asked about using the actual foods to do a prick-to-prick tesst instead of using commercial extracts, and was told that was fine--just to bring the foods along to the test. I also found out that an in-office challenge is definitely a possibility with this allergist, so I feel good about that.

She has to be off the reflux medicine (ranitidine--generic compounded version of Zant@c) for at least 5 days before the appointment, so it will be interesting to see how she does with that.

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Blogger ccw said...

What a relief!

7:02 AM  
Blogger debangel said...

Whew! I was just coming over here to see how she was doing and it's such a relief that she's better!

I'd bet anything that the reason her immune system is so strong, is that since her allergies limit her diet, she probably eats a healthier one than 99% of kids her age. Talk about a blessing in disguise!

8:39 AM  

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