We're Home

Tonight's dinner was a mild masoor dal that turned out very tasty. Baby E seems to be doing all right with lentils, which is encouraging.
The lettuce and green onions in the meal came from my garden. I'm really enjoying being able to just go out and pick fresh delicious food in the back yard. The two older girls especially like the sweet peas. Now if I can just figure out what to do with all those yellow zucchini that are ready to pick . . .
We got back last night from our family reunions. It was a very full week, with a family reunion for my dad's family (that I was sort of in charge of) here in town on Monday, then leaving for DH's family reunion a few hours South on Thursday, then leaving THAT reunion early to travel to my mom's family's reunion about an hour North of us on Saturday. I'm glad we got to attend them all, even though it was tiring.
Baby E has been having mild reactions to something (probably just ambient food from all the communal meals, even though we brought our own food along). As a result we haven't been getting much sleep for the last several nights, so DH, Baby E and I are tired. She went to sleep much more easily tonight, so that's a good sign.
Right now I'm trying to catch up on basic houshold chores, but will try to catch up on responding to e-mails and blog comments soon.
DH's dad is out of the hospital, but still weak and tired. He turned out to have both pneumonia and heart issues going on. It was touch and go that night, but the medicine they gave him shocked his heart back into a more regular heartbeat.
We've been calling to check in on him. Today DH's mom said he got up and got ready to go to church (he is the pastor), but then was so pale and weak that he ended up needing to stay home and rest instead. Someone else has been able to fill in for his pastoral duties, so he's been able to concentrate on resting and conserving his strength for the last few months.
Labels: health issues, just life, loved ones
Glad he's out of the hospital at least. Have the talked about giving him any kind of device, like an ICD? Hope his recovery is good.
Good luck with the squash- slugs ate all ours! You can use it in breads, make it into patties like hash browns, our use it in tomato sauce for pasta or lasagne. I love summer squash!
Bridget, thanks. I don't think he's a good candidate for most treatments, such as valve replacement or other intensive interventions--he's in his 80s and has multiple myeloma, as well as the heart issues.
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