Monday, September 24, 2007

Polka-Dotted Kids

Last night DH was giving the kids a bath when he called to me: "You're going to want to see this. Now AJ has spots just like M&M's."

Sure enough, she does. The spots look just the same, except that there are fewer of them--only about 37. And, unlike M&M, she has a constellation of them on her chest. They both share a similar pattern starting at the back of the neck and going down the back, with a few on one leg.

The spots don't seem to itch terribly, and the kids have no other symptoms. M&M has had hers for 5 days now and they haven't become open sores or crusted over or anything--they've just faded gradually. They're almost gone now, slightly scabbed where her clothes rubbed against them, but otherwise just quietly disappearing into the skin. They certainly look like tiny insect bites.

So now I'm not sure whether the kids have some strange rash-causing virus, or whether there is some odd insect (or colony of insects) lurking about the house, just waiting to crawl into bed with us.

I'm going to wash all the bedding on the kids' beds (again) today and vaccuum their room, just in case.

BTW, Baby E had no ill effects from the Perky O's cereal yesterday. She ate very little of it, though, and when offered some again later in the day she repulsed it with vigor, saying, "I don't yike dat. It's yucky! Bleah! Yuck!"
