Thursday, December 13, 2007

How many clothes?

I'm trying to sort through my girls' clothes . . . they have more than will fit in their drawers and closets, really. Half the time the clothes end up back in the dirty clothes hamper without even being worn.

I'm thinking of telling the kids to each pick their favorite X number of pants outfits and dresses and getting rid of the rest.

How many pairs of pants, shirts, dresses and skirts does a little girl need? They are now 6 (almost 7), 5 and 1/2, and 2.


I'm tired of having to do multiple loads of laundry a day to keep up with 5 people! LOL! (I do wash all the bedding every 3 days or so b/c of dust mite allergies, so that adds a lot to the laundry.)

I'm trying to fine-tune my own wardrobe too. Now that I seem to have stabilized to a size 4 petite, I'm getting rid of my 1 and 2 size clothes and not keeping anything above a size 6P. I'm storing a few size 6P items I really like, and I'm trying to make sure that everything in my drawers and closets is something that fits me well and that I like and use.

I'm still trying to figure out exactly how many blouses, slacks, etc. I really need.

How do YOU decide what to keep and what to cull?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am in the same predicament with my clothes. I have several pieces that I'm emotionally attached to, but they don't fit, or things that are brand new (and don't want to just toss), but don't like. So, this year, I've put a little ring around every coat hanger in my closet (a bit of twine or another flagging method would work, too). When I wear the item, I remove the ring so that I know it's something I've worn. Anything left at the end of the year will either be donated or put away in storage if it's something I just "have to" keep. You can definitely shorten your trial period to less than a year, but you get the idea.

12:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oops. I forgot to sign my name. :) --Kathy J.

12:53 PM  
Blogger Tara said...

It's a process, that's for sure. I keep going a large "outgoing" sack in the bottom of my closet and add items as I realize I am either not using them, or they make me feel schlumpy or look shabby. When the bag is full is goes off to Goodwill. T-Bird keeps a bag in her closet for too small things that we donate to another family. Every six months I have her go through her room and get rid of things she's not using anymore, which is becoming less since we don't bring in many new things at all anymore. It's got to be harder with three little ones since you'll want to keep things to pass down the ranks.

6:36 PM  
Blogger purple_kangaroo said...

Thanks for the ideas, Kathy and Tara. Right now I'm getting rid of whatever doesn't fit, is the wrong season or the kids don't like . . . some is being donated and some stored. It's actually making quite a big difference, already.

6:51 PM  
Blogger ccw said...

I am bad about this. I throw out or donate clothes with each seasonal change but still have too much.

I got rid of my biggest and smallest stuff and kept a little bit of everything in a 3 size range. That should accomodate losing the last of the pregnancy weight or eating my way through a period of depression. :)

I have packed sentimental clothes away in the attic. I forced myself to contain it to one box.

7:33 PM  

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