7 Years Old

For some reason, turning 7 seems like a big deal. Suddenly my little girl seems not so little any more. Childhood seems to be going by so fast. Sometimes I wish I could catch the moments in my hands and slow them down, at least for a little while. I want to hold them and keep them before they're gone.

AJ, my darling first child, I love you. I love that you enjoy thinking about things and learning and organizing things. I love your flair for art and your love of beauty and order. I love your deep sensitivity to others, to God, and to yourself. You are so honest and transparent.
I love the way you think and analyze ideas and explore different ways of doing things. I love the way you care so deeply about truth, justice, honor, and right and wrong.
But you also care deeply about people, and you strive to make sure everyone is comfortable and included and that everyone is being kind to those around you. You stand up for the weak and downtrodden. You are a strong leader and love to organize games that include everyone.
You are determined and persistent, working at something until you succeed. You don't quickly accept the easy answer, but continue to ask questions and explore ideas.
You are very smart, but you don't ride on your intelligence and expect everything to be easy, and I love that about you. You are willing to work to make things happen. You know what's important to you and you come up with ways to achieve it. You read and learn and then use what you've learned in practical life.
You think deeply, you feel deeply, and you care deeply. You often talk about going into a profession helping people when you grow up. You look for ways to help people even now, and you succeed at doing it.
You are an artist and you enjoy music and dance. You create beautiful things. You love books and learning, and you learn quickly and retain what you learn. You are a loyal and true friend. You are kind and tender with others. You are so spiritually sensitive, and you think about deep truths. You are often wise beyond your years. You are beautiful in face and form, but even more so in spirit. You care more about internal beauty than external beauty, and that is a wonderful thing.
You are wonderful in so many, many ways. I've only touched on a few here.
You are precious to God and to your friends and family.
I love you.
I'm so glad you're my daughter. I look forward to walking beside you as you grow. You are growing up into an awesome young lady.
Happy Birthday.
Labels: kid stuff, snap happy, special occasions
Perfection. I want to be like AJ. :)
Happy Birthday!
Happy seventh birthday, AJ!
Seven is a wonderful age for doing and learning and making a place in the world.
Happy Birthday to AJ! I agree with Madeleine...7 is a fabulous age to be.
Happy Birthday to AJ!
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