Friday, April 04, 2008


I've been trying to get copies of various medical records as far back as I can, and my records from my current medical office came yesterday.

As I was looking through them last night, I realized that the results of my most recent panel of tests were included. I haven't heard anything at all from my doctor about them, although she signed off on the results a week ago.

[ETA: Actually, she did send me a note about the results--see end of post.]


The monoscreen panel (Epstein-Barr screening test) was positive.

Apparently, I have mononucleosis. MONO! I don't know how long I've had it, but I suspect at least this most recent downward slide is resulting from that. No wonder I feel so rotten. It's kind of exciting to find out that I actually have something measurable by a clinical test, LOL.

The really interesting thing is that apparently there's an atypical presentation of Epstein-Barr Virus (mono) that, in a small percentage of people, continues flaring up and causing symptoms over and over again and is believed to be one possible cause of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, although that's still somewhat debatable. The social security department actually lists a positive titer for Epstein-Barr as one of the factors that can help establish a supportable diagnosis of CFS.

It would be nice to have at least one actual supportable cause confirmed by lab results for the CFS symptoms. Even though that wouldn't make it any more treatable.

What I'm really hoping, though I'm not sure how likely it is, is that my most recent escalation of symptoms is just from coming down with Mono separately from my other health issues, and that I'll have it once and it will go away and I'll get better. A girl can hope, right?

Anyway, I'm glad I thought to mention that I'd like to test for mono, and the doctor actually agreed to do it.

I also had some protein and crystals in my urine, but the creatinine and BUN were still in the normal range. The good blood tests are hopeful that something other than the family kidney issues is causing the protein and crystals.

And, my Vitamin D levels were borderline low (30) even though I've been taking high-vitamin cod-liver-oil for a while now (which has D in it) and am now using whole goat milk products. Apparently low Vitamin D is very common in fibromyalgia patients and other autoimmune disorders, from what I've been reading. According to the lab results, 30 is exactly the dividing line between insufficient and normal Vitamin D.

I had asked the doctor to test for iron and B vitamins, too, but she said she didn't think that was necessary because my iron levels had been normal (on the low end of normal ranges) a year ago. The iron levels per se weren't checked this time, from what I can tell, but platelet counts and blood cell counts and that sort of thing were normal.

**** I thought I hadn't yet received any communication from the doctor about the test results, but DH just found two letters buried in with the bills, that apparently arrived several days ago. He assures me that this time he double-checked and there weren't any more. I've been asking him if I'd gotten a letter from the doctor yet, and he kept saying there was nothing but bills. He's quite apologetic. :)

Dear Ms. (Purple_Kangaroo),

It was a pleasure seeing you at the time of your recent examination. I am writing with the results of your laboratory studies.

Your complete blood count was normal with no evidence of anemia. Your chemistry tests including blood sugar, electrolytes (with sodium and potassium levels) and kidney function were normal. Your mononucleosis was positive, it may explained [sic] why you were so tired. sed rate was normal. [sic] Vitamin D was pending.

Please don't hesitate to call if you have any questions. Best Wishes.


C------ W--- MD

The second letter just said that the Vitamin D was normal.

No mention of the urine test results, but at least she did read the lab results and contact me about them. :)

I wonder where I go from here?



Blogger Amy said...

Not sure if you're already using them, but full-spectrum light bulbs are supposed to help boost vitamin D.

I wonder if some anti-viral treatments would help with the mono? I recently came across this one that is pretty easy to make.

10:28 AM  
Blogger purple_kangaroo said...

Thanks, Amy . . . I am trying to boost my immune system any way I can. DH did recently put full-spectrum bulbs in the office, but they're a lot more expensive in the form of the can bulbs that are in most of the rest of our house.

12:41 PM  
Blogger Carolynn from Western Australia said...

Hi P-K,

Did you say you had an Auto-Immune disorder, if so is it wise to Boost your Immune system. The reason I ask is I have an extremely aggressive Auto-Immune Disorder and it is contraindicated to Boost the Immune system.

I will write to you and tell you how I came across your site, sorry for using your first name originally. Do you have a contact e-mail that I can write to you on?

Take Care and Take it Easy.
Love Carolynn xxx :-)

6:25 PM  
Blogger purple_kangaroo said...

Hi, Carolyn. You can e-mail me through the "e-mail" link in my Blogger profile (under the kangaroo picture if you click on my username).

I don't know if fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome are technically considered auto-immune disorders or not . . . I think of them as being similar or in the same loose grouping, but I don't really know.

Anyway, I'm boosting my immune system mainly by avoiding sugar and eating foods that are mineral-rich and easy to digest, getting lots of rest, avoiding stress, etc. . . . I'm not taking any immune-boosting drugs.

I did read your comment talking about your health issues . . . sorry to hear that you're so ill.

6:58 PM  

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